BLOG TOUR, EXCERPT & REVIEW - Wreaked by Alyssa Rose Ivy

When your past catches up, it's time to stop running.

Jake Mathews messed up yet again— but this time his misstep lands him in the hospital. He wakes up to find the girl of his dreams and the memory of having his deepest secret revealed.

Emily Taylor needs a break. She's been working double shifts as a nurse just to pay the bills while trying to heal a broken heart. The last thing she needs is to fall for a patient.

Strapped with community service and the knowledge that he's disappointed everyone in his life, Jake is determined not to let Emily slip through his fingers. Emily wants Jake, but can she really open herself up to heartache again?

You know when you sitting there watching a movie or television show and you see a woman just relaxing in her bathtub reading a nice romance book? Have you (or anyone you know) ever actually done that? Because if you haven’t, Wreaked by Alyssa Rose Ivy is the type of book I can totally picture someone reading while relaxing in the bathtub!

We start off meeting Jake Mathews and Emily Taylor when Jake is in a drunk driving accident and is taken into the ICU, where Emily becomes his nurse. When Jake wakes up and sees the ‘beautiful angel’ taking care of him, he makes it his mission to win her over.

There are a few side stories in Wreaked, but it still stays simple to Jake and Emily’s story of falling in love. We get to check in on Molly and Ben, as well as Becca and Gavin from the first two books in the series, Derailed and Veer, but the main focus stays on Emily and Jake.

I found this book to be just a very sweet simple love story. I saw ‘simple’ because it was really just about out two main characters, Jake and Emily, falling in love. There are no intense moments and not a whole lot of drama going on this book either. I think the only parts Alyssa Rose Ivy had me sitting on the edge of my seat where when Emily dropped her boom on Jake, and then when Emily had to confront her dad.

If you’re just looking for a light read to just sit back and relax with, then I would highly recommend Wreaked by Alyssa Rose Ivy!

 “Are you sure I’m not dead?” She was wearing scrubs, but there was no way I’d be lucky enough to get a nurse that looked like her. Knowing my luck, mine would be an overweight 70-year-old man.

She smiled again. “You’re not dead. You could have been. You’re very lucky.”
“Yes, I am.” I meant having her as my nurse. I think she got it because she blushed a little. It looked adorable on her pale cheeks.
“Would you like me to call your family? I wasn’t expecting you to wake up so soon. The medication wore off faster than anticipated.”
“My family? Have they been here?”
She looked at me strangely. “Of course.”
“Just my parents…”
“Your parents, and your brother and his wife.”
“Ben and Molly were here?” I was surprised they’d bother after what I did.
“I practically had to kick them out.” She looked at me for a moment before continuing. “They care about you a lot.”
“What time is it?” I couldn’t handle thinking about how pissed Ben had to be. How disappointed my parents would be. Obviously I needed to see them, but I wasn’t ready yet.
She glanced at her watch and then back to me. “It’s five-thirty a.m.”
“And you’re still working? Or did you just get here?”
“You were right the first time. I prefer working nights actually.”
“When do you think they’ll get here?” I figured she’d know I meant my family.
She fidgeted with the button on her sweater. “My guess is they’ll be here by seven.”
“Okay, that gives us an hour and a half.”
“Gives us an hour and a half for what?”
I gave her my best grin. “To get to know each other.”
“I’m glad to see you still have a sense of humor. It means you’re doing all right.”
“Who says I was joking?” I tried to wink at her, but it didn’t work.
“Your face is still bruised up.” She reached over like she was going to touch me but stopped herself.
“Oh.”  That was the first time I even thought about what I must have looked like. No wonder she wasn’t flirting back.
“Yeah. You actually look a lot better now. You must heal fast.”
“I do. I’d get injuries when I played football that should have kept me out for weeks, but I’d be over them in days.”
“You played football?” The way she said it left me wondering if she really cared or was trying to be polite.
“In high school.”
We sat awkwardly for a second. I usually could fill those silences easily, but my brain still felt kind of foggy.
“I saw that you’re from Clayton Falls. Do you know someone named Mel Garrison?”
“Melanie Garrison? Sure I do. She was a year behind me, but we went to a really small high school.”
“Oh, cool.”
“Where are you from?” I had to keep her talking. If we stopped, she’d probably leave to see another patient. I wasn’t ready for her to leave yet, and I didn’t feel like being alone.
“I’m from a small town just outside Asheville. Have you heard of Ridgeview?”
“Yeah, definitely.” I wanted to say more, to tell her that one of my friends from high school went to the college up there. But I was already getting exhausted. “I’ve heard it’s pretty.” At least my brain was functioning enough to answer her.
She smiled, and I could tell her mind moved elsewhere for a minute. “Yes, it is.”
I gave myself a minute to recover. Why was talking so damn hard? “Are you going to be my nurse the whole time I’m here?”
“I don’t think you’ll be staying in the ICU much longer so you’ll be moved to another floor. Of course, that all depends on what the doctors say. It should only be another day or two at most, but you’ll have me again tonight.”
I decided not to mention how else her comment could be interpreted. “In case I’m not here later, I better get your number now.”
She laughed. “Hold your horses there, stud. I think you have more important things to worry about than lining up a date.”
“Is that a no?”
“It should be.”
I smiled. “We don’t have to line up a date. But could I at least get your number?” I glanced around for my phone but didn’t see it. “But I guess I don’t know where to write it down.”
 “It looks like you’re out of luck.” It would have disappointed me, but that twinkle in her eye made me think there was still hope.

Alyssa Rose Ivy is a Young Adult and New Adult author who loves to weave stories with romance and a southern setting. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.

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