BLOG TOUR & EXCERPT - Undeclared by Jen Frederick

For four years, Grace Sullivan wrote to a Marine she never met, and fell in love. But when his deployment ended, so did the letters. Ever since that day, Grace has been coasting, academically and emotionally. The one thing she’s decided? No way is Noah Jackson — or any man — ever going to break her heart again.

Noah has always known exactly what he wants out of life. Success. Stability. Control. That’s why he joined the Marines and that’s why he’s fighting his way — literally — through college. Now that he’s got the rest of his life on track, he has one last conquest: Grace Sullivan. But since he was the one who stopped writing, he knows that winning her back will be his biggest battle yet.

This is a mature New Adult book. I see that it is classified as YA - not sure how to change that - but I wanted to be clear that it has explicit love scenes in the story.

 Dear Grace:

I don't think you'll ever see me on YouTube, but there is shit-all to do around here, so guys will memorize songs and videotape each other. I have zero twerking ability. I guess if there's ever some music video involving marching, I could participate in that.
I think the higher-ups like these videos because they make A'stan look fun, which it isn't. But it's good PR.
Some guys from MMA were here to entertain the troops. I talked to one of the managers, who said that a guy could earn six figures a year for beating someone else up in the ring. It's not really boxing skills that matter, either, because a lot of the skills are kicking and hand-to-hand combat, which is something that we are taught here.
It's kind of a cool idea. Yeah, there are worries about concussions, but I think the pros outweigh the cons. Bo isn't interested, but he doesn't need to be either. He's got plenty of family money. He told me that we both should go to college after we get out and that I could use the GI Bill to pay for everything.
What college did you say you were going to? Central? Mail me something about it the next time you send a care package. I think I should check it out.

Noah's top ten list of things you should know about Grace

1.  She is super loyal.  She'll never allow anyone to say a bad word about someone she loves.
2.  Every inch of her body is sexy. Grace thinks that there are parts of her body that aren't attractive, but she'd be wrong.
3.  She takes awesome photographs.  Grace's confidence on this subject is a little whack but I'm working on her.
4.  Her worldview is totally unique.  See #3. If you've seen Grace's photographs, I wouldn't even have to list this. It's just an obvious truth.
5.  She has a great sense of humor.  It's sly and quiet, kind of like her, but she's still got it and you can't be with someone who you can't laugh with.
6.  She walks kind of slow. She says this isn't true and that I walk too fast. I'm trying to slow down, in all things. 
7.  She gets embarrassed watching a dirty movie with me. 
8.  She wants me to go dancing with her. I tried to tell her the only dancing I do is in a metal cage, avoiding the fists and feet of other fighters.  Someday this excuse won't work for me anymore.
9.  She once sent me nail polish and a book.  Guess which one I liked better?
10. I love her name. With Grace, I'm free.  

Jen Frederick lives with her husband, child, and one rambunctious dog.  She's been reading stories all her life but never imagined writing one of her own. Jen loves to hear from readers so drop her a line at

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  1. Thanks for hosting me!

  2. I don't think I have ever written to someone in the military, no. I mean, in CCD classes, we made Christmas cards for them, and I've done that a few times, but I've never written a personal letter, no.

    Thanks for the chance! I really, really want to read this book! (:

  3. Yes every year we send cards and boxes filled with things they might need!!

  4. Have you ever written to someone in the military

    no I have not

  5. Yes. I had a friend serving in Iraq and a cousin who is currently serving as a Marine.

  6. I sent some books to a military woman who a friend was sponsoring along with a note

  7. I'm gonna say no because i don't think Facebook counts and he wasn't allowed to tell us where he was at.

  8. I have written to someone in the military- while they were overseas I wrote to several soldiers. Although I had never met them, I wanted to let them know how much I appreciated what they were doing.

  9. I have never written to someone in the military, because I don`t know anybody there.

  10. I had a friend in the Marines that I wrote to after highschool. This book sounds great, I can't wait to read it.

  11. Yes I have. My husband & I had a friend deployed in Iraq that we wrote to & sent care packages to. We are very thankful that he made it home safely!!

  12. I have never written to anyone in the military.
    thanks for this giveaway
