BLOG TOUR & REVIEW - Love Me For Me by Kate Laurens

Overall, I like this book.  It’s a story about starting over, moving on, healing the wounds of the past and learning how to love someone (when you never thought it was possible).  Enter Serena and Alex:  two people with a lot of baggage (and I do mean both of them).  Maybe it’s because Alex has had a couple of people who could be there for him and Serena had no one, but Alex is definitely the one who’s more in control and comfortable with his emotions, his past, etc.  So, it just follows that he’s perfect for Serena, right?

Of course he is, but he’s also just a cool guy.  Athletic, hot, smart, committed to great causes—and here’s one you don’t see every day—diabetic.  I found this to be an interesting twist, but I have to say, it’s way under-played.  This was a perfect opportunity for some drama—or if nothing else, a teachable moment, right?  Wrong.  It comes up once and is rarely mentioned again, except in passing.  Ms. Laurens dropped the ball here, I think, and really missed an opportunity to add another dimension, not just to Alex, but to the story as a whole.

Serena is a likeable character, as well.  Smart, pretty, and very guarded, she’s trying so hard to start over, to build a life that’s separate from her very painful past; but it’s like the famous saying, “Wherever you go, there you are.”  Serena cannot get away from herself, and her secrets just keep coming back up.  She doesn’t let her best friend, Kaylee, in and she’s does her best to keep Alex at an emotional arms length as well.  Thank goodness he doesn’t let her.:)

There were some great love scenes and they were handled well, and I loved the relationship between Alex and Serena; but in the end, I felt like some great opportunities were missed.  I think this is Ms. Laurens’ first book, and that being said, I look forward to her second and third…..I will definitely read Love Me If You Dare (#2 in the Safe Haven Series), Kaylee’s story (Serena’s very loyal and sweet best friend).  Ms. Laurens has mucho potential.  Keep an eye on her!

           “Which dorm are you in?”

“MacKinnon.” I had to take two strides for his every one, but I noticed that he tried to keep his stride level with mine as we turned from the street onto the campus. “Which one do you live in?”
I wondered if he would ask me to go back to his dorm with him.
I wondered if I would say yes.
“I live off campus.” I hadn’t been expecting that. Not a lot of students did, because the cost of living in downtown West Haven wasn’t cheap. “It’s just a couple of blocks away.”
“Oh.” My eyes widened, though I tried to keep the surprise out of my voice. I was here on scholarship, and it still barely covered my living expenses. He was a football player and might have a bigger one. Or the shelter might pay really well.
It wasn’t any of my business and I didn’t know him well enough to ask. I bit my tongue, and stayed silent until we’d crossed campus to where my dorm stood.
“Thank... thank you for a fun night.” I smiled up at him shyly. Since I’d never been on a date, I didn’t know what I was supposed to do right now, so I just told him the truth. “I liked it. Really.”
He said nothing, instead staring down at my lips, my smile. Though I knew that he had snuck past my guard, had made me want things that I didn’t have any business wanting, I still felt overwhelmed by the urge to grab him, to pull him close to me and to never let go.
“I’m glad.” My nails dugs into my palms as the silence between us stretched out, thick and heavy.
“Well. Um. Goodnight.” I turned towards the neon lights of the dorm, a stone settling in the pit of my belly.
“Serena.” Alex’s voice was raspy, and it was exactly what I had been waiting for. I looked back over my shoulder, my heart in my throat.
“Yes?” I whispered.
“I want to kiss you.” My skin suddenly felt too tight. He stood beside a battered old car, his hands stuffed into his pockets, the streetlights casting a buttery glow over his face. He wasn’t reaching for me, instead waiting for my consent.
He couldn’t have known how important that was to me.
He was beautiful. He could have had any girl he wanted, yet he was asking me if he could kiss me.
“May I?” His face was solemn. Longing was an ache in my belly as I nodded, jerkily. And then he closed the distance between us, placed his hands on my waist the same way he had while we were dancing, and dipped his head down.
All the wondering about whether or not he was into me flew from my head as he slowly pressed his lips to mine. I had thought he would crush me to him, would devour me with his kiss, but he was slow and in control.
It was no less hot. His hands slid around to splay over my lower back as he tasted my lips with excruciating slowness. My breath caught and I curled my fingers around his upper arms, right where his tattoos lay hidden beneath the soft leather.
Even through the thickness of the jacket I could feel the iron of his muscles, a hardness that spoke of something beyond football practice. I moaned softly into his mouth as my fingers danced, exploring up to his shoulders, his neck.
He made a sound deep in his throat, before backing me slowly against the parked car. I felt the chill of the metal seep through my jacket and my shirt, as he finally closed the last inch of space between us, pressed his body against mine, and deepened the kiss.
“Oh.” I parted my lips beneath the warm swipe of his tongue. I’d kissed with my tongue before, but never like this, never like I was being savoured.
An unfamiliar heat surged between my legs, and I felt the tips of my breasts pucker as they brushed against his chest. He wasn’t doing any more than kissing me, his hands still roaming the expanse of my back, but I felt my breath coming faster, harder.
“Is this okay?” With excruciating slowness he moved his hand from my back, across the stripes of my ribcage, and over to... oh man.
His large palm cupped my breast, over my tank but inside of my jacket and sweater. His thumb strummed over my nipple and I choked out a gasp against his lips, my hips pressing forward into his own.
“Serena.” His pelvis arched into me in response for one, long, satisfying second, and then he pulled back entirely, breaking the kiss, a groan escaping his lips as he did.
I could still feel the hardness of his need pressing into my stomach, the skin there sensitive and overly aware from the touch. There was a quick flash of self preservation in which I wondered if this was wise.
It wasn’t, I knew it wasn’t, but by this point I didn’t care.
My head swam as I tried to get some sense of my bearings back. I vibrated with need, wanting his lips on mine again.
He gave them to me, but in the form of a short, sweet, frustrating kiss.
“Night, Serena.” His hands moved to my hips, squeezed gently, then pushed me towards the dorm. Dazed, I did as he urged, walking the short distance across asphalt to the front door.
I only snuck one quick glance back over my shoulder, once I’d reached the glass door that had been smudged by a thousand fingerprints.
He was still leaning against the battered car, his arms crossed as he watched me—protectively?
I shivered. The look on his face was of restrained need... and it said clearly that he had claimed me as his.
He waited until I was inside the building, looking back through the glass door, before he pushed off the dented metal and walked away, hands stuffed into his pockets. He left me pondering what it felt like to have someone watching out for my well being.
I was pretty sure that I liked it.

Kate Laurens is a proud Canadian who loves beer, coffee, kickboxing and books. She writes New Adult Romance and falls a little bit in love with each hero that she writes.

Kate loves to hear from her readers. Find her at
She's also on Twitter as @KateLaurens

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