BLOG TOUR & REVIEW - A Terrible Love by Marata Eros

When I started A Terrible Love by Marata Eros, I didn’t really know what to expect. I had read the synopsis a long time ago and had slept since then, so I went into reading this book with a completely open mind. I can’t tell you how glad I am because I was pleasantly surprised by what I found. I did not in a million years expect it to be a little bit of a suspense thriller, along with the romance.

We start the book off by getting a glimpse of a horrifically traumatic event Jewell MacLeod experiences, that ends up sending her into hiding. Then we fast-forward two years later and she is now living as Jess Mackey, a college student who keeps to herself and tries to stay invisible.

All of the sudden after spending two years trying to pretend to be invisible, she is starting to get a lot of unwanted attention from several different guys. There’s Brad, who sits next to her in biology, there’s Mitch, who she met when her new best friend, Carlie, tricked her into auditioning for ballet, and there’s Devin, the guy who mysteriously shows up to save her every time she seems to get into trouble. Oh! And then there’s Brock, who seems to really hate her and continually tries to attack her (by means of beating her up) with his buddies any chance he gets.

Now, if you ask me, all these guys have issues and seem a little bit on the suspicious side.  It honestly took me a while to starts making guesses about any of them.

So after only just going through the motions of life, and not really living for two years, Jewell (aka Jess) decides to live a little bit and starts dancing ballet again, while pursuing relationships with the opposite sex.

Now, honestly, I really don’t know who I was rooting for in her long list of guys, but I actually kind of liked Brad, but she never chose him. She kept going back and forth between Mitch and Devin, and for a long time I just couldn’t get a good read on either one of them to start making any guesses.

The ending gave a lot of great twists and turns, that certainly made the book worth it and kept me on edge, but I was still felt like there were still some unanswered questions. There wasn’t a cliffhanger, but I see potential for a second book. I would like to get to know more about the guy she actually ends up with. There is just so much more to know about him, that I really think Marata Eros could really have a good time creating a second book for us.

But that’s just my opinion. Overall, it was a nice surprisingly suspenseful and romantic book. I highly recommend it!

Marata Eros is a mixed-genre writer of dark erotica and fantasy with elements of romance and horror. She has completed her first contemporary romance, A TERRIBLE LOVE as her next new release. Marata is a passionate reader who loves interacting with her readers and is more grateful than she can express for their support.

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  1. Great review. I really enjoyed this book to. I would definitely like to see something from Castile's POV.

  2. Great review, this book sounds amazing!!
