REVIEW & GIVEAWAY - Anything He Wants: Castaway 1 & 2 by Sara Fawkes

Anything He Wants: Castaway

Anything He Wants: Castaway part 2

I don’t know about you guys, but Sara Fawkes’ Anything He Wants series always gets me a little hot. I have been reading her series for a while and was excited to get the chance to review her two new additions to the series, Castaway and Castaway part two (which are parts six and seven in the series).

Let’s start off talking about where we were left at the end of part five –

Do NOT read any further if you have not read the first five parts of the Anything He Wants series. You can purchase the first five parts here on Amazon.

At the end of part five, Lucy Delacourt has told Jeremiah Hamilton those three beautiful words, I Love You, and had him running out of the house faster than she could blink. Feeling rejected, she jumps into a limo she thinks Jeremiah has left for her, only to find herself being kidnapped by Jeremiah’s criminal brother, Lucas.

And this is where part six, Castaway, starts us off.

This may be a bit of a spoiler, and if it is, I apologize, but you may be disappointed to find out that Jeremiah is not in part six, Castaway. Well, he is, but not until the very end. In this part, we get to know Lucas a little bit better and I have to say, he might just be book boyfriend material. I’m still a little bit on the fence with him, as I don’t completely trust him. But he showed us a nicer and even protective side to him in Castaway.

I still don’t understand and I’m a little bit confused about his motives with Lucy however. We find out a particular reason for his kidnapping Lucy in the very beginning, but I still don’t understand why he keeps her around as long as he does, other than to probably piss his brother off?

Just like with Jeremiah, Lucy is thrown into one dangerous situation after another with Lucas, and constantly has to have him come to her rescue. It doesn’t seem like the poor girl will ever catch a break, as she always having her life threatened by someone.

Jeremiah comes back to us in Castaway part 2, and believe me, I kind of missed him. Lucas may be starting to turn out to be book boyfriend material, but I always have a soft heart for controlling men with issues regarding their feelings.

We get some new secondary characters in Castaway and Castaway part two. We meet Captain Matthews and his first mate Frank, who run Lucas’ ship. Then when they travel to Dubai after the ship lands in Jamaica with Jeremiah, we meet their host in Dubai, Rashid, and his sister, Amyrah.

We get to see the little fighter in Lucy come out in Castaway part two, which was nice to see, as most of the time she is almost a damsel in distress, waiting for her rescuer to come save the day. However, this time she saves not only herself, but also someone else that she becomes attached to.

While we get to meet the fighter in Lucy, we also want to hit her over the head for some of the crap she pulls.

Let’s just says she makes some pretty stupid decisions in consideration of her relationship with Jeremiah. While I understand she doesn’t exactly know where her relationship with Jeremiah stands, and a woman being hurt and even broken hearted when she is brushed off after confessing her love to someone can be unbearable; I’m not entirely sure it excuses her actions.

I’m still team Jeremiah and Lucy, but I’m nervous about what’s going to happen in Castaway part 3 for them. However, I know Sara Fawkes will not disappoint with her hot erotic scenes, as there were some great panty-dropping moments in the lastest two installments.


Sara Fawkes is a New York Times and USA Today ebook bestselling author who's been writing stories since she was a little girl. An avid traveler and adventure motorcyclist, her dream job includes selling everything off and leaving civilization to see the world on two wheels. In the meantime however, she lives in California with her menagerie of pets and, when not writing, loves to help her very own Dude rebuild old motorcycles/cars and travel as much as she can.

Find Sara Fawkes:
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Romance Addict Book Blog will be gifting away 2 copies of either Castaway or Castaway part 2 from Amazon. 
Winner can decide which installment of the series they want.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Have not had a chance to read this series as yet as I just recently discovered it.

  2. I haven't read it yet, but will as soon as I can. Sounds great!

  3. I haven't read them yet, but have some on my Nook. Thanks!

  4. have not read them yet.

  5. Maybe it's crazy but I really lved the end of Castaway 1, when she left him...I imagine how pissed off he was and more determined to take her back

  6. I have not read them yet, but thanks for the chance to get me started!

  7. I love this series! My favorite moment so far was when Jeremiah told Lucy that he needed her. My heart melted!

  8. The serious Is wonderful. I have been reading quite a few erotic novels recently, and this by far has the best storyline. Not just sex sex sex. There is more to it. Each character has something about them and they are not dull. I really enjoyed the sniper scene, it kept me on edge..Oh and when they had sex in the office for the

  9. when he finds her in his brother ship..The love he hides...lovely

  10. I have the first book in paperback. I LOVE it!!!

  11. I would love to read all these books but really need them in paperback! Please tell me they are coming out in paperback!?

  12. really would like to read this!

  13. Haven't read this series yet, but plan to really soon

  14. I have not had a chance to read these so the ebook would be great!!

  15. I don't really have a favorite part in the series because I loved all of it

  16. I haven't had the chance to read this yet.

  17. I loved the book! I couldn't put it down!

  18. I haven't read it YET, but it's on my TBR list...if I won, it would be great motivation to get em read ;)

  19. I have not read yet :(
    but they look great!

  20. on my tbr list! Can't wait to read....

  21. My favorite part with Lucy & Jeremiah is the scene in the boathouse. It really came out of nowhere and I wasn't expecting it. I really like that in a book!

  22. I have not read it yet but look forward to it. On my TBR list

  23. Just loaded it o my TBR! Thanks for sharing it! Looking forward to reading them!

  24. Sounds like a good one... would love to read them. :)

  25. I haven't read these, but they sound really great!!

  26. I have not read the series yet. I am looking forward to reading them.

  27. I have not read this series, but have heard wonderful things about it. Thanks for the giveaway!
