BLOG TOUR & CHARACTER POST - The Only Exception by Magan Vernon

**Due to sexual content and heavy subject matter, this book is recommended for ages 16+**

Fiercely liberal Monica Remy prefers to blend in. Despite her tattoos, piercings, and outspoken personality, she transferred to Central to escape—before she finds out that her next door neighbor is the uber conservative governor's son, Trey Chapman.

No matter how hard she tries to avoid Trey, he still finds a way to get under her skin. Monica can’t stand his crisp white shirts or his staunch views on women. But she can’t help counting every freckle on his face and wondering what it would feel like to have him stop talking politics and kiss her.

A class debate project forces the unlikely pair to work together, and the political lines are blurred in late-night make out sessions. But despite their fiery chemistry, Trey’s politics threatens to smother their relationship for good.

Name: Monica Louise Remy
Age: 19
Birthday: May 15th
Favorite Color: Green, Emerald Green to be exact.
Childhood Ambition: To be a lawyer *snorts* funny how things change.
Favorite Food: Cranberry orange scones
What Actor would you cast to play in a movie about your life: If she wasn't a redhead, possibly Emma Stone. I am NOT a red head. It's auburn. Ask my hairdresser.
How would you spend your ideal Saturday night?
Dinner at a restaurant that isn't uber crowded, a movie of my choice, frozen yogurt and hand holding afterward.
Favorite Movie: Pitch Perfect
Favorite Song: I will survive by Gloria Gaynor
How many tattoos do you have?
Two. I'm not telling you where they are. Okay, FINE. I have two purple princess flowers that are low on my hips. No, that's not some frou frou flower that I got, they are flowers that grow out of volcanic soil. It's the whole "rise from the ashes" thing without getting a giant phoenix tattooed on me.
One thing no one else knows about you:
Isn't that the point of having a secret, so that no one else knows it? I guess if there had to be something that wasn't too damaging, I'd have to say that I actually didn't really like coffee before I took my job at the campus coffee shop and knew nothing about mochas and lattes. Now I am a proud coffee addict.
Quote: “If I fall back down, you're gonna help me back up again. If I fall back down, you're gonna be my friend." -Rancid

"I'm sorry for assuming that. If you aren't liberal, then by all means we can discuss government spending and tax cuts over pizza," he said, not taking his eyes off me, the smile still perfectly painted on his face.
I couldn't help but let out a laugh. His answers really were all canned. "I'm totally not a conservative."
"I guessed that from the moment I met you. Probably the red hair and eyebrow ring, not the snarky anti-conservative comments." He laughed, softly.
I ran a finger over my eyebrow ring and then slid my hand through my hair, suddenly feeling self-conscious. I thought he was a young, political version of Adonis, but maybe he just saw me as a charity case. "It's Auburn," I muttered.
"I'm sorry for questioning your hair color and piercing choice. It suits you. No matter if it does make you look like a liberal." His smile went from political to a true grin.
I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks and hid my face with a menu just as the waitress brought our drinks and placed them on the table.

Magan Vernon is a Young Adult and New Adult writer who lives with her family in the insurance capital of the world. She is in a very serious, fake relationship with Adam Lambert and constantly asks her husband to wear guyliner. He still refuses. She also believes her husband is secretly an alien,
disguised as a southern gentleman.

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  1. I love Pitch Perfect too! lol This books sounds pretty good, I'm really looking forward to reading it. Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!

  2. This book sounds awesome! Def can't wait to read it. It's funny because the description of Monica with tattoos, piercings, and outspoken personality sounds just like me lol Thanks for the amazing giveaway :)
