COVER REVEAL & EXCERPT - Epiphany by Christina Jean Michaels

Epiphany by Christina Jean Michaels
Publication date: July, 2013
Genre: NA/17+ Romantic Suspense

“I had my first psychic dream when I was nine. Psychic implied power, and powerful wasn’t a word I’d use to describe myself. I couldn’t foretell the future or conjure visions at will, but I couldn’t think of a more fitting word to describe what I sometimes saw in my dreams.” 

For 23-year-old Mackenzie Hill, tossing her life down the garbage disposal is easy after a painful incident shatters her life. Her heart is bleeding, and moving to Watcher’s Point is a chance to start anew, only she isn’t prepared for the guy who walks out of her dreams and into the flesh. Literally . . . because she’s been dreaming about this sexy stranger for years. 

Mackenzie is even less prepared to face the dark nature of her dreams. They’ve turned disturbingly gruesome, full of blood and murder, and when they begin to coincide with the media’s headlines, she and Aidan realize her visions might be the key to stopping a madman from killing again.

Only Aidan has painful secrets of his own, and perhaps the biggest danger of all is falling for him.

“You’re horrible!” The alcohol infiltrated my bloodstream with amazing speed. I couldn’t say how long we danced. Three songs? Four? Ten? By the time she pulled me to a less crowded corner of the bar, I’d gulped down another drink and my ability to walk straight worsened by ten degrees.

“What was in that stuff?” I asked her.

“What stuff?”

“The blue crap you gave me!”

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” she stated with a laugh. “There’s a reason they named it Adiós Mother fuck—”

“Okay,” I interrupted, “I get the idea.” The ceiling suddenly whirled in a nauseating spin. “Oh, shit. Be right back.” I covered my mouth and pushed through the crowd, making a beeline for the restroom. In my haste to escape inside, I tripped over a boot. Two strong arms reached out and grabbed me, and how did I thank my rescuer?

I barfed down the front of his brown leather jacket.

“Oh God, I am so sorry!” I raised my eyes, initially surprised he wasn’t wearing a mask like everyone else, and then I gaped at him. His familiar mahogany eyes stared back, and the Earth halted, crashed into Jupiter for all I knew. In that moment nothing else existed.

I must be dreaming.

To test the theory, I dug my fingernails into my arm. Okay, not dreaming, but something wasn’t right. The blue drink from hell must produce hallucinations because the guy I’d dreamed about for years had his arms around me, and I was very much awake.

“Don’t worry about it.” He glanced down at his soiled jacket and winced. “I’ll live.”
I opened my mouth and willed a word out—any word—but couldn’t find my voice.
He lowered his arms and stepped back, watching me carefully as if he believed I might crumble to the floor. “You okay?”

“I’m okay,” I mumbled. Not okay. Not okay at all. I’ve finally succumbed to insanity.

His gaze fell to his jacket again. “I’ll be right back. I’m gonna grab some paper towels.”

As soon as he disappeared into the men’s restroom, I bolted.

Christina Jean Michaels was born in Paradise, California, but she has found the true home of her heart in Eugene, Oregon, where she finds plenty of inspiration for storytelling.

When she was young, her mother said she hated words. Now she can't imagine not writing. She became an avid reader when she was thirteen and discovered the world of Sweet Valley High. About a year later she realized she could play God and write about her own characters. She has been writing in some form ever since.

She lives with her husband and their four children—three rambunctious UFC/wrestling-loving boys and one girl who steals everyone’s attention.

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