INTERVIEW - Katy Evans

A fallen boxer.
A woman with a broken dream.
A competition…

He even makes me forget my name. One night was all it took, and I forgot everything and anything except the sexy fighter in the ring who sets my mind ablaze and my body on fire with wanting…

Remington Tate is the strongest, most confusing man I’ve ever met in my life.

He’s the star of the dangerous underground fighting circuit, and I’m drawn to him as I’ve never been drawn to anything in my life. I forget who I am, what I want, with just one look from him. When he’s near, I need to remind myself that I am strong–but he is stronger. And now it’s my job to keep his body working like a perfect machine, his taut muscles primed and ready to break the bones of his next opponents . . .

But the one he’s most threatening to, now, is me.

I want him. I want him without fear. Without reservations.

If only I knew for sure what it is that he wants from me?

Author - Katy Evans: Hey ladies! I’m so happy to be here with you.

Romance Addict - Dana & K:  There are a few books out right now that focus on boxers, but there’s no one like Remy.  What made you look into the world of fighting, esp. Remy’s world of underground fight club-style fighting?

Author - Katy Evans: Honestly when I started “Real” I hadn’t read a book about underground fighting at all, so I wasn’t really following a trend. Remington is just who he is, an athlete at heart and a fighter in all the sense of the word. I’m a lover and believer in exercise for well being and a happy life, so it wasn’t really hard to research this aspect which is something I “live” day to day.

Romance Addict - Dana & K: There are a lot of things about Remy that might make girls run away (you know, after they get their wits back☺).  He’s aggressive, he has a quick temper, and he’s bi-polar; what I found so appealing about Remy is how hard he works everyday to have the life he wants.  His struggle to live with his disease without medication is something a lot of authors might not take on, so I’m curious:  Did you go into the writing process knowing that Remy would be bipolar or is this something he revealed to you as he “came to life”?  If you went into the story knowing that Remy would be bipolar, can you talk a little about why?  P.S. I see a lot of authors bring in medical/ mental conditions and then drop them without letting them really make the impact on the story that they could.  They under-utilize a major storytelling tool.  Kudos to you for making Remy’s struggle with this disease so central to this story.  The way he (and everyone around him) lives with it every day adds so much to the story and gives the reader so much more insight into the character(s).

Author - Katy Evans: I always knew Remington was bipolar from the very start of the book. The only thing I discovered as I wrote (with much admiration and respect) was the way he “experienced” it and fought it –that was a big reveal to me as well. As a character, he is the strongest I have ever met! He took life with such strength, he changed me in so many ways, I honestly can say I will never be the same again.

Romance Addict - Dana & K: Was this a research-intensive book for you to write?  There is a lot of technical information about the body, training, etc., not to mention learning about bipolar disorder and underground fighting.  Was there a large learning curve involved in writing this book?

Author - Katy Evans: There was definitely research. A lot of books on genetics and manic depression, and also, about healing lifestyles. But I have to admit that every one of these topics are topics that I have had personal exposure to, and therefore, the research wasn’t complicated or confusing at all. Even though “Real” is a work of fiction, many of the aspects I touch upon in “Real” have touched my own life as well, in a way.

Romance Addict - Dana & K: Clearly, Remy and Brooke have a strong and instant connection.  How is this sense of “connection” important in your own life?  Also, what was it about B that initially captured R's attention?

Author - Katy Evans: Every single one of my bestest, most powerful relationships have been instant connections. With my husband of sixteen years, with my best friend, with the people I work with. Remy is not a man of thought—his mind has betrayed him many times, and he doesn’t trust it. He is a man of gut an instinct, and the first moment he looked at Brooke, he knew he had to chase and capture her. He just didn’t imagine she was his real until he saw the video of her in Youtube, and he just knew he wanted more from her than he’d ever wanted from a woman before.

Romance Addict - Dana & K: Brooke is a female lead character that I can get behind. She’s strong, smart and knows what she wants.  When you went into writing this story, was Brooke always this way?  Did she surprise you during the writing process and show you things about herself that you hadn’t thought of before?

Author - Katy Evans: I love Brooke. I love how attuned she is to her soul mate, Remington, and to her own body. I love that she is very smart and strong, and I love that she knows what she wants, and she owns it. But she definitely kept her walls up for a time with both me and Remington. This showed me that behind her strength she was also vulnerable and afraid, which made me love her all the more when she finally drops her walls with him. 

Romance Addict - Dana & K: We see this amazingly beautiful love story in R & B. Can you talk a little about what is the one thing each of them love MOST about the other?

Author - Katy Evans: I truly can’t say one thing, because there are just so many! Brooke loves every part of Remington, even the part he hates himself, which is his illness. She loves his strength, determination, his kindness, his protectiveness, his voice, his eyes, his dimples. How quiet and reserved he is, and how he still communicates with her.

Remington loves Brooke’s humor and her strength, how she is female and sweet to him, but strong and protective. He loves the way she “gets” him and understands him, and how she isn’t like other women he met who chattered on just to fill the silence. Brooke is steady, the one thing that grounds him, and everything  fiery and passionate as well as everything sweet, nurturing, gentle that he’s never had.

And now for a few questions directly related to the story:

Romance Addict - Dana & K: On a scale of 1-10, how much should Scorpion fear for his life?

Author - Katy Evans: 10

Romance Addict - Dana & K: What was R thinking when B said goodbye to him at the hospital?

Author - Katy Evans: He was only thinking of catching her to stop her.

Romance Addict - Dana & K: Why did it take R so long to go to her after she left him in the hospital?

Author - Katy Evans: He was black, and recovering at the hospital, stabilized most of the time, and once he was better, he wanted to bring Nora to her before he came to get her.

Romance Addict - Dana & K: Licking...has R always been a primal licker or is this reserved for B?

Author - Katy Evans: Completely reserved for B. She brings out every primal instinct in him.

Romance Addict - Dana & K: And finally… What do we have to look forward to in the sequel? (Please say a BIG fat epilogue: think the mother of all epilogues: Reckless)

Author - Katy Evans: Hahah. Well, I can’t say much yet, but both Remington and Brooke are new to being in love and to having a relationship, but they’re determined to make it work. They’re both seriously in love and desperate to protect the other, but things don’t always go as planned—and there’s still Scorpion to take care of. I can’t wait to share! 

Thank you so much for the interview!! And thanks to everyone who’s read and fallen in love with their story as I have. ☺

Katy Evans had a pet cougar while growing up; a big, fanged cat which later needed to be sent to the zoo for playfully trying to attach itself to Katy's jugular. From then on, she grew up with much safer companions like books and book-boyfriends until she found a real sexy boyfriend to love, married him, and now they are hard at work on their own happily ever after. Katy loves her family and friends, and she also loves reading, walking, baking, and being consumed by her characters until she reaches "The End." Which, is hopefully, only the beginning...

To find more about her, look her up on her website, Twitter, or Facebook, she'd also love to hear from you!

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