There’s so much I liked about REAL by Katy Evans.  The characters, the story, the pacing, the tension, the twists and turns that I totally should have seen coming but I was so caught up in the story that I couldn’t stop to think; and last but not least—the author herself.

Without giving it all away, here’s what you should know:

Remy is lovely.  We’re all talking about him, as we should be, but we should be talking about Brooke, too.  It’s not every day that I like a female lead, I’ll admit it.  Most of the time, I’m annoyed, I COMPLETELY disagree with their decisions, I think they overreact or put up with too much crap, and otherwise, I want to toss them out a window—but I like Brooke!  She’s smart, has a life and goals outside of this relationship, she’s tough, she holds her ground but she knows when to give, too.  She’s willing to sacrifice but don’t walk all over her.  The one time I wanted to drag her back by her hair, I still completely understood why she made the decisions that she did.  And she’s not a lip-biting virgin!  Thank you sweet baby Jesus!

On to Remy!  A man of few words who still completely comes through right from the beginning.  He’s alpha and primal and so, so strong, and yet, over and over, I thought of Ingrid Michaelson (in “A Bird’s Song”)—“how fragile are the very strong.”  He’s messy in the best ways, and he will completely break you down. Let him.  He’s totally worth the ride.

The supporting characters are people you’d actually really like to know.  They do more than just move the action along; they build a foundation for the story and the two main characters.  These characters are family, and their love and loyalty for Brooke and Remy give us a back-story that Ms. Evans never even had to write.  A well-done character speaks volumes in just a few words.  Kudos to Melanie (hilarious!), and Pete and Riley!

The story moves and rolls and it always, always takes you with it.  There’s no dog-earing these pages—you just keep turning.  I can’t say I’d ever even thought about an underground fight club circuit before, but I’m starting to think I’ve been missing out.  Ms. Evans weaves a plot you’ll be stuck in—and happily so.  The pacing is right on and the tension is delicious!

Brooke and Remy’s relationship is effortless from the first zing of connection and it’s also a struggle to let it take flight.  It’s real that way.  We have two characters as human as you and I, moving toward and away from something at the same time.  I love the dedication to the undefined, to the feeling of connection, to the “I don’t know how I know this is right but I KNOW this is right.”  And I love, love, love the theme of wanting to be known and seen, and at the same time, seeing yourself more clearly through someone else’s eyes.  Sometimes it takes another set of eyes to help us see ourselves, and the moments when Remy starts to do that were so quietly lovely.

And finally, our author, Katy Evans.  Thank you for not spoon-feeding me everything you wanted me to know.  Thank you for setting me up and letting me walk into a surprise.  “Of course!” I said after, even though I didn’t really see it coming because I was too caught up in the story to stop and think.:)  Thank you for showing me instead of telling me everything.  Thank you for giving me this world that I want to step back into again and again.

Katy Evans had a pet cougar while growing up; a big, fanged cat which later needed to be sent to the zoo for playfully trying to attach itself to Katy's jugular. From then on, she grew up with much safer companions like books and book-boyfriends until she found a real sexy boyfriend to love, married him, and now they are hard at work on their own happily ever after. Katy loves her family and friends, and she also loves reading, walking, baking, and being consumed by her characters until she reaches "The End." Which, is hopefully, only the beginning...

To find more about her, look her up on her website, Twitter, or Facebook, she'd also love to hear from you!

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