REAL DAY - Why I Love Brooke

It’s REAL Day here at Romance Addict and I want to take a moment to talk about Brooke Dumas. You know…Brooke…the girl who stole the heart of our Remington “Riptide” Tate. I’m going to go on the record: I would push Brooke in front of a bus to get to my beloved Remy *shaking my fists and screaming, ‘Rem should be MINE!!!!’*, BUT that would make my Rem sad, so I will refrain from pushing Brooke in front of any buses. Instead, I will take a moment to profess my love for Brooke. I’m going to put my big girl panties on and get over the fact that Rem isn’t mine and focus on Brooke…yes, Brooke!
As a general rule, I find it a lot easier to love the hero as opposed to the heroine. I have a constant inner monologue running when I am reading…things such as, “What is wrong with her? Why is she so stupid? I’d like to slap her! Seriously, what is wrong with her? Just love him already! Don’t be an idiot!” You get the idea…my inner monologue gets a bit dicey when it comes to the heroines messing with the love and affections of the heroes I adore. Do you want to know what my inner monologue looked like when I read Real? It went a little something like this, “Ohmigod, I love her! She is so funny! Brooke is kickass! Do you think Brooke would like to be my friend? I heart her so much.” You see how different my inner monologues can be? Who knew?!?! I didn’t know. I had no idea I could love a heroine so much until I met Brooke. So…let the Brooke love fest commence!
Brooke is funny. Can we all just agree that Brooke is indeed funny? There is nothing I like more than funny, and Brooke had me cracking up throughout Real. I love that she is not only funny and self-deprecating with her bestie, Mel, but with Remy, too. It shows that it is a genuine part of who she is and I like it--a lot! When Mel was completely stunned that Remy had winked at Brooke the first night, and then wouldn’t stop badgering Brooke, the ever-funny Brooke simply responded, “He did,” I finally admit, scowling at her. “We telepathically communicated, and he says he wants to take me home to be the mother of his sexy babies.”  Well! That shut Mel up! Funny, see? Brooke is funny. What about Brooke getting in the ring to spar with Remy (maybe we should take a moment to assess the sanity of that choice…but alas, let’s focus on the playful/funny Brooke)? That was funny!  “I’m so good,” I taunt him as I ease back, bouncing on my calves like he does, and playfully sticking out my tongue. Really, Brooke? You’re taunting the man who could snap you like a twig? Maybe not the most sane choice but funny nonetheless!
Brooke is also rational, calm, and smart. We know she’s not some bimbo off the streets. She’s a smart girl! She recently completed her degree and has decided to make a life for herself doing what she knows and loves. Brooke is not just book smart. She’s street smart, too. She has no intention of being bulldozed by this Remington “Riptide” Tate character. As much as Mel is oohing and ahhing over Riptide, Brooke calmly and rationally says, “Shut up Mel,” I groan. “There’s a reason why he’s banned from his sport. Clearly he’s dangerous or crazy or both.”  Who can look at that sexy piece of man ass and still think clearly? Brooke, that’s who. While Brooke was also able to keep herself composed when she first met Remy and throughout their relationship, let’s talk about when Remy first saw the picture of Brooke and Scorpion. You know the part…the part where he flipped tables and went batshit crazy. THAT part! While lesser woman may have peed their pants, what did Brooke do? Oh yeah…she did this, Trembling in my seat, I stay utterly still as he comes to stand before me…It takes ten times the normal effort to speak. “Do you want to talk to me, Remington?” I ask, my voice raw. I love Remy. I do. But in that moment, I would’ve probably done one of 3 things: faint, run, or pee my pants. It could’ve gone either way. Not my Brooke. She’s pretty badass that way.
Brooke is also in awe of and in love with Remy. This is reason enough to love Brooke. Remy has never known true, unconditional love until he met Brooke. Internally, we know how she is feeling. We know she’s thinking, My blood storms through my body. I’m being claimed by the man I love, and I am ready. I. Am. Ready. Internally, great! But I’m going to need a little bit more Brooke. Let him know! Aaaaaand…BAM! She did it! That’s my girl! When Brooke finally tells Remy how she feels, I was her one-woman cheering section! “How can you be a mistake? Have you seen you? Have you seen what you do to me? You had me at hello, you fucking asshole! You make me want you until it hurts and then you don’t do shit!  You tell him Brooke! Not with music. Not with your body. Use your words and make him believe. Brooke is in love with this man and for that, I love her! I’m also a jealous bitch when Brooke thinks things like, I’m getting addicted to this moment after the orgasm where I will be so relaxed and he will still have the energy to position me in a way where he can spoon me or hold me, and do all his manly, possessive lion-like OCD things to me. Gahhhhhhh!!!! You see? Jealous! Jealous, party of one, over here, BUT I love Brooke because she loves and takes such great care of our fighter. Speaking of fighter…that leads me to yet another reason why I love Brooke. She’s a fighter too! 
Not in the complete and total, hardcore, Remy way, but she is a fighter. She fights for Remy and she fights for her life with Remy. So do you remember that part where Scorpion and his douchey friend are trying to taunt Remy into fighting at the club for the sole purpose of getting Remy disqualified from fighting (simply because Scorpion is a chicken shit loser!)? Does Brooke just stand there and watch this go down? I don’t think so! The flight-or-fight response is in full force in my body now. My brain buzzes as the blood shoots hot and urgent through my system. I already feel it feeding my muscles, my heart pumping wildly. I run to the bar, reach over, grab two bottles, and come back to swing them above each of two of the asshole’s heads. They crash down evenly as glass shoots everywhere. I can’t be certain but I may or may not have simply cowered behind Remy. Brooke gets major points for being so badass. She tries to kick the asses of these 200+pound men, she kicks whores out of his hotel room, fights to keep Remy from being drugged, all while fighting for their love to endure. And Brooke DOES love Remy! I love his smell, the feel of him, his eyes, his touch, I love sleeping with him, showering with him, running with him. I feel crazy. Crazy about him, Okay, I’m going to go to sleep before I break into song. No, maybe I should just gorge on him. Yep, gorging on Remy sounds like a plan to me! Wait…where was I?
Wowsers…I probably should’ve mentioned that my Brooke love fest may be the love fest that just keeps going! As you can see, there are so many reasons to love Brooke! I would like to push her in front of a bus to get to her man…I mean, I love Brooke. I do. I really do. That little inner monologue that just won’t shut up when I read is full of nothing but love for Brooke. Brooke is an amalgamation of all of the best qualities any heroine could have. I heart Brooke. Seriously, she’s so fucking cool I can’t stand it. #BrookeLove #RealLove
Katy Evans had a pet cougar while growing up; a big, fanged cat which later needed to be sent to the zoo for playfully trying to attach itself to Katy's jugular. From then on, she grew up with much safer companions like books and book-boyfriends until she found a real sexy boyfriend to love, married him, and now they are hard at work on their own happily ever after. Katy loves her family and friends, and she also loves reading, walking, baking, and being consumed by her characters until she reaches "The End." Which, is hopefully, only the beginning...

To find more about her, look her up on her website, Twitter, or Facebook, she'd also love to hear from you!

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  1. You guys are the absolute most adorable trio ever! LOVE you for giving Brooke some REAL love! She takes such good care of our man and is such a strong, real girl. :) Love ya!

  2. Awwww, LOVE you Katy!!!! xoxoDana

  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE !! Brooke too she is am awesome female character and I can't emphasize enough how my h I love this book!
