BLOG TOUR & INTERVIEW - Second Chance Boyfriend by Monica Murphy

 Lost. That one single word best describes my life at this very moment. I lost the last games of the season and both my team and my coach blame me. I lost the last two months because I drowned in my own despair like a complete loser. And I lost the only girl who ever mattered because I was afraid being with me would destroy her.

But now I realize how truly lost I am without her. She has become my story…and even though she acts like she’s moved on, I know she still thinks about me just as much as I think about her. She’s beautiful, sweet—and so damn vulnerable, all I want to do is help her. Be there for her. Love her…

If only I could convince Fable to give me a second chance. Then I wouldn’t feel so lost anymore, and neither would she. We could be found together.


Romance Addict: How did you get into writing?

Monica Murphy: I was a reader who gobbled up books as fast as I could get them. After a while, I started thinking, “I really want to do this.” It took a while for me to get serious but once I did, I didn’t stop. I’ve been writing ever since.

Romance Addict: What is something not a lot people know about you?

Monica Murphy: Umm…I’m a complete mystery. I lead a second life. And my second life is as Monica Murphy.
No really, I’m totally boring. *winks*

Romance Addict: What inspired Drew & Fable's story?

Monica Murphy: Fable’s been with me since 2009 – I tried to write a YA with her as the main character but it didn’t work out. Drew came to me when I saw a news report about a teacher who was arrested for having a sexual relationship with her seventeen year old student. I started thinking we rarely hear from the teenage guy’s side. They’re generally portrayed as getting lucky and scoring with the older woman versus as a victim.
So I wanted Drew to be a victim (that sounds awful but I think y’all know what I mean). And I wanted him to find healing and acceptance with Fable.

Romance Addict: Will Drew & Fable have a third book?

Monica Murphy: As of now I don’t plan on writing a third book for them. But the readers could change my mind if they demand it. I miss them already. But trust that I gave them a satisfying ending. No cliffhanger!

Romance Addict: What are some projects you are currently working on right now?

Monica Murphy: I’m working on my new series that will come out with Avon—three best friends who happen to be billionaires (of course right?), they make a high stakes bet that they won’t fall in love and settle down. Trust me, I throw a wrench in their plans and not only do they fall but they fall hard. *rubs hands together*

Romance Addict: What are some good books that you’ve read lately?

Monica Murphy: My goodness, I haven’t read a book from start to finish in a while which is SO SAD. I have some great books on my Kindle I hope to start here soon.

Romance Addict: Are there any books that have influenced your writing?

Monica Murphy: I wouldn’t say she influenced my writing, but I think Nyrae Dawn is an amazing author who captures the new adult genre perfectly. She makes me cry, she makes me feel—her writing blows me away. I love that. Plus, I’m lucky because I can call Nyrae my friend.

Romance Addict: If you could collaborate in writing a book with another author, who would it be?

Monica Murphy: Wow, tough question. Since I know Nyrae has collaborated with a few authors already, I’ll say Nyrae! Though we’re both so busy at the moment, it probably wouldn’t even happen until 2020. LOL

Monica Murphy writes books with boys and kissing in them. She also likes to read books with boys and kissing in them. Writer of new adult contemporary romance-ish stuff. Mom and wife. Native Californian.

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  1. I have already read it. I love Drew and Fable!!! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  2. I want to read it because I've read some amazing reviews for it!

  3. I have heard great things about Second Chance Boyfriend and I would love to win a copy! Thanks for the giveaway!
