TEASER - Torrential by Eva Morgan

Release Date: June 30, 2013

When May Young transfers to Rothschild University, her new roommate makes her a startling bet—she'll convince her CEO parents to hire May's struggling mother if May can be the first to warm the heart of Sebastian Crane, their school’s top competitive swimmer.

Sebastian is gorgeous, genius, and a notorious loner with nothing but ice for anyone who tries to get close, including May—until she's the only one there to rescue him from the ocean when an unexpected injury causes him to nearly drown. Sebastian demands his moment of weakness be kept secret, so May extracts a promise: she'll stay quiet if he agrees to spend the rest of the semester with her and her best friend, charismatic playboy Tanner.

May's curious, naïve nature begins to soften Sebastian's cold exterior, and soon there's no hiding the heat between them from an increasingly jealous Tanner—or from Sebastian's millionaire father, who doesn't want anything distracting his son. But the closer May gets, the more she realizes that Sebastian’s teetering on the edge. He’s in a losing battle with his inner demons, and May finds herself unable to pull away—despite her personal vow never to fall in love, and despite the fact that her roommate’s motives might be just as dark as Sebastian’s past.

“You affect me in ways you cannot imagine,” Sebastian says, his tone ravaged. “I bury things by being cruel to people, but…it hasn’t worked with you."

I can feel the heat radiating from his body. He draws me in and then his lips are on mine. The impact knocks me from this planet to the next. My eyes fly open and then sink closed as the impossibly perfect sensation starts at my lips, white-hot, and spreads over me like fire. I’ve lost track of time, of the ability to breathe. He’s controlling himself, but barely—beneath the surface of the kiss I can sense something endlessly black and roiling, pure passion, and I want to be consumed by it—

His arm slides over my back and our bodies are pressed together, his chest hard and powerful, his heartbeat nearly outstripping mine. My skin is alight. I wouldn’t be surprised if I was glowing. I feel animal-hungry, and his lips move against mine like he could rip out my very soul—

Then he breaks away. It’s like having the oxygen torn from my lungs. I gasp, touching my swollen lips. “Sebastian…”

“I had to." The words rip out of him.  “Just once. Before."

“Before what?” I can barely catch my breath.

“I can’t let myself hurt you, May.” He stands, the pain still in his eyes. It transforms his flawless face, making him look more vulnerable. “This will be the last time I'll allow myself to speak to you."

Eva Morgan is a twenty-something author who loves to read and write New Adult romance when she probably should be doing other things, like watering the plants or remembering to lock the door. She loves lazy afternoons with her favorite books, Mexican food, and hot chocolate! TORRENTIAL is her debut novel.

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