REVIEW - Fatal Intent by Ryshia Kennie

Ryshia Kennie starts of Fatal Intent off with us meeting Garrett Cole, who is lost in the Bureno rain forest while leading a expedition of entomologist (bug scientists) after their team’s guide, Malcolm, is found shot and decapitated. After discovering the body she quickly jumps into action as the leader and tries to get them to civilization without a clue as to navigate the jungle they are in.

We then meet Aidan, an investigator that was once native to the Bureno rain forest, as he accidently stumbles upon Garrett and her team while visiting the tribe he grew up considering his family. He watches the scientists closely to try and figure out what their motives for being there in the jungle are, and quickly realizes they are lost and in need of being rescued.

Ryshia Kennie takes you on a wild ride as Garrett and Aidan try to fight the instant attraction they have for one another. Or well, as Garrett, more so than Aidan, tries to fight the attraction. She is trying to deal with the fact she has a dead guide on her hands and at the mercy of Aidan and the tribe to help get them get back to the city. But lets be honest, what woman can resist an insanely hot guy wearing nothing but a loincloth? You can only be so strong…

I loved the mystery side the book. I couldn’t put it down because I just had to know who and what was involved with the murder of the tour guide, Malcolm. The suspensions I had for everybody went all over the place as I kept on reading, and the suspense was killing me! There are a few parts where it is written from the killer’s point-of-view and you get a good sense of who is behind it, but when the big reveal came to ahead at the end I was thoroughly surprised.

As Aidan (and to some extent Garrett) investigates the murder and other strange actives that have been going on in the jungle, he begins to realize that not everyone is who they seem to be. Some of the characters in the book have their trust and hearts are broken by the end, and you can’t help but mourn for their loses with them. There might even be a few more deaths for them to deal with as well as Aidan slowly uncovers the truth.

Will Aidan and Garrett’s attraction for one another be able to survive once they get out of the jungle? That is if they even get out the jungle. This question is what haunted me to keep turning page after page, because all I wanted was for Garrett and Aidan to admit their feelings for one another and have their happily-ever-after.

If you enjoy a book with a little mystery and suspense, along with a bit of romance, then this book will not disappoint. It will have you biting your nails for fear of what might happen to Garrett and her team, and you won’t be able to put it down because you have to know how everything turns out in the end.

Ryshia Kennie is the author of three published romances. From the Dust, is a romance set during the Great Depression. Her second book, Ring of Desire, was set against a backdrop of magic and mystery, in medieval England. With her third book she settled into a genre that piqued her interest and fed her love for travel, romantic suspense. Fatal Intent is a romantic suspense set in the heart of the Borneo
jungle. An award winning author, her recent novels focus on women’s fiction as well as suspense – always with a hint or even a dollop, of romance. The Canadian prairies are home where she lives with her husband and one opinionated Irish Terrier.

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