GUEST POST & DELETED SCENE - Melanie Marchande

I Married a Billionaire Character Interview - Daniel Thorne
A brief interview with a very rich man, lying through his teeth. Or is he?

In my book I Married a Billionaire, technology magnate Daniel Thorne pays his employee, the young graphic designer Maddy Wainwright, to pretend to be his wife. He just wants to stay in the country, and she just wants two million dollars to start a few life. After they're married, they are called for an interview with the INS to judge the validity of their marriage. Maddy's interview is featured in the book. This is the other side of the story.

The following is a transcript of the marriage fraud interview conducted by the INS with Mr. Daniel Thorne.

INS: Please take a seat.

DT: Thank you.

INS: As you know, I'm here to ask you some questions about the relationship between you and Mrs. Thorne. It's nothing to be concerned about. Just some standard questions about your relationship history and your daily life.

DT: I understand.

INS: [rustling papers] I understand you and Mrs. Thorne worked together?

DT: Yes.

INS: Do you recall your first impressions of her?

DT: [smiling] She was very...I thought she was beautiful. Of course. The bluest eyes you've ever seen. But shy. She always looked away from me when I was nearby, which isn't unusual, but...

INS: So it's fair to say you had an interest in her as soon as you met?

DT: Well - yes. I didn't want to admit it, at first. It's inappropriate of course, and just generally a bad idea...she was my subordinate, and you never really want to put yourself in that position. But at a certain point, I had to face the reality of it.

INS: When did you first express your interest to her? 

DT: [pause] It wasn't - it didn't happen all at once. I found a reason to spend time with her. I told her it was for a special project, a logo redesign for the company. After a while I think she began to catch on. We were just talking, more often than not. Finally, I asked her out to dinner.

INS: How did she react?

DT: She was a little shocked, I think. Didn't quite believe me at first. 

INS: But she agreed?

DT: [chuckling] Oh, yes.

INS: And you live together now?

DT: Yes. At [redacted].

INS: May I see a copy of your keys?

[rustling noises]

INS: Thank you. I'm going to ask you some personal questions now. I assure you they're quite routine, and confidential.

DT: Of course.

INS: Which side of the bed does each of you sleep on?

DT: I'm on the left.

INS: And she sleeps on the right?

DT: [pause] Yes?

INS: I'm sorry. I need to be thorough.

DT: It's fine.

INS: Have you ever had an argument that resulted in one of you sleeping in another room?


INS: Would you say that you get along well?

DT: Generally, yes.

INS: Generally?

DT: Well. Everyone fights.

INS: [silence]

DT: But, yes. We get along well.

[equipment malfunction; portion of recording is lost]

INS: Thank you again, Mr. Thorne. That will be all.

DT: It's been delightful.

Melanie Marchande is a young writer who loves creating fun, flirty, and occasionally steamy stories about two people realizing they just can't live without each other. She's just released her Kindle Top 100 bestselling debut novel, I Married a Billionaire, about a struggling graphic designer and her billionaire boss who pays her to pretend to be his wife for year. She loves to connect with readers, so be sure to get in touch with her on FacebookTwitterGoogle+PinterestGoodreads, her blogwebsite, and mailing list.

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  1. I can't wait to read this one. I've been following the tour and I MARRIED A BILLIONAIRE is for sure one of the books that caught my eye ;)

  2. I think it would be tough to lie during such an INS interview. I think the interviewers are trained for that! LOL.

  3. Thanks so much for featuring me! The post looks beautiful. :)

  4. You have some great giveaways!! Love your blog!

  5. Good luck to everyone who enters/entered the giveaway!

  6. I loved the interview! The copy of the keys thing is something I would have never thought of but it makes sense lol
