BLOG TOUR & REVIEW - Vacant by Evelyn R. Baldwin

Title: Vacant
Author: Evelyn R. Baldwin
Released:  Young Adult Version - December 23, 2012

Adult Erotica Version - February 23, 2013
Genre: Adult Erotica & YA Romance

As my arm swings with the rhythm of my feet, I brush Emily's fingers with my own. It’s an innocent accident, though the sudden warmth in my chest is anything but. I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be able to keep up this ruse, playing her brotherly protector. While Emily has never spoken about boys in her class or voiced interests of the romantic sort, I know it’s inevitable. She has blossomed into a beautiful creature who has no idea of the devastation her beauty wreaks upon me and, surely, the boys around her. Her smile is infectious, and it’s only a matter of time before a suitor comes knocking at our door. I kind of feel sorry for the poor boy, as my first time meeting him will most likely be ugly. I’m a fierce guardian where Emily is concerned, not just because it’s my duty to protect her but because seeing Emily with another guy will end me.

I want to reach out and take her hand in mine as we walk, but I don’t. I have calculated the difference in our ages. Five years doesn’t seem all that much when she is twenty and I’m twenty-five. However, she is seventeen and still a minor, which is the only important difference, no matter how hard my libido begs to differ. I have to prepare for her to have romantic feelings for someone her own age, not a twenty-two year-old guy who has to act like her older brother.

Sisters rarely hold hands with their brothers.

Vacant by Evelyn R. Baldwin is about a young man who had a rough start in life. Ethan doesn’t want much more out of life other than to have a job, pay his bills and keep a roof over his head. He doesn’t want to be bothered by anyone and only believes in looking out for yourself.

Until a young woman, Emily, moves in next door. Suddenly Ethan can’t stop himself from getting involved in Emily’s personal business and wanting to do everything he can to help her.

This novella was a really sweet little story about how we can overcome our past and look to a brighter future. I also think it kind of teaches us a lesson about not settling and dreaming big and wanting the most out of life.

What I really enjoyed the most was that it wasn’t an automatic romantic relationship between the main characters. It built upon itself and blossomed into something really beautiful. I think Evelyn R. Baldwin did a wonderful job of portraying a relationship that took time and devotion to build and become what it was in the end.

Now, it being a novella, it was pretty short and I felt like Ethan and Emily were in the movie Click (you know, the Adam Sandler movie) and they kept getting hit with the fast forward button. It starts off when they meet, then jumps to three years later, and then a year later… and so on in the span of 85 pages.

Overall, I really enjoyed being put on the fast-forward pace of Ethan and Emily’s journey. If you are looking for a short but sweet romance to read, then this is the book for you. I highly recommend it!

Evelyn R. Baldwin was born in the Midwest and spent her childhood on a horse ranch. As an only child, Evelyn was often forced to entertain herself with the family's horses as companions, and her imagination the only limitation.

After moving to St. Louis to attend college, she earned a degree in Education. During her Master’s program, Evelyn discovered her fascination with behavior and psychology.

Her first professional job experience was as a juvenile counselor, which led her to venture into other human sciences, eventually making a career with Behavior Analysis. While writing is a hobby for Evelyn, she often uses her experiences with human behavior to guide her characters.

She’s written short stories since childhood but only recently began exercising her real writing muscles. While she does not consider herself a professional writer in any sense of the word, she continues to polish her craft and hopes for success in her writing ventures, even if they are just as a hobby.

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