BLOG TOUR & REVIEW - Puppy Love by Sylvie Fox

Sophie turned and looked directly into his dark blue eyes, sizing him up.

“Mmmm . . . a big, strong guy like you can surely handle him while I check in,” she said, handing him the dog before he could protest.

As soon as he gathered the distressed dog on his lap and made a space for himself on the bench, it promptly urinated on his very neatly pressed dress pants. One of the clinic staff people rushed over with paper towels and a spray bottle of disinfectant, and Sophie unsuccessfully hid her laugh behind her hand at the way the man was holding the dog under its front legs like it was a smelly baby, his arms outstretched as far as they would go.

Though she wanted nothing more than to snatch up the wiggling dog and send the nerve-jarring hunk on his way, Sophie held her ground. It was far more interesting to see what he would do next. She predicted he would make up a bogus excuse and be out of the clinic in a heartbeat – Sophie was one hundred percent sure this man did not get urinated on too often.

Puppy Love by Sylvie Fox starts off with us meeting Sophie Reid when get gets caught in the middle of a traffic jam on her way to work. When Sophie find out the problem is that there’s a dog in the middle of the road and everyone is trying to avoid hitting it, she jumps to the dog’s rescue. At the same time, Ryan Becker also tries to come to the dog’s aid and helps Sophie in getting the dog into her car safely.

Puppy Love was a really enjoy story about two people with completely different personalities finding one another. The song “Opposites Attract” by Paula Abdul kept popping into my head the whole time while I was reading Sophie and Ryan’s story. Sophie dresses a bit alternatively and is a make-up artist, while Ryan is a conservative lawyer (or suit, as Sophie calls him). Lawyer is are in the no-go zone for Sophie, so it takes a lot of convincing from Ryan to let her give him a chance.

Both of the main characters in the book had childhoods that greatly affected where they are at in the lives when they meet on the highway trying to save a dog. Sophie came from a wealthy family that had high expectations for her which made her rebel against them and choose an alternative lifestyle. Ryan grew up poor with his mother raising him and his brother as a single parent.

It was really helpful that the story went back and forth between both points of view. There were times when I would have thought Ryan was being a complete jerk to Sophie, had part of it not been told from his point of view. There were also times when I would have thought Sophie was just being cold hearted towards Ryan as well, had it not been for her point of view being told.

However, even with both points of view there were times when I wanted shake both of the characters (Sophie more so than Ryan) and tell them to get it together! Sylvie Fox makes it quite clear that both characters have immense feelings for one another, but both are too stubborn to not only admit their feelings to each other but admit their feelings to themselves.

What was confusing however is Sophie would be telling herself one thing and then act in the complete opposite direction. For example, we would leave Sophie’s point of view with her deciding she was never going to see Ryan again, but then start off Ryan’s point of view with her showing up at his house. Sylvie Fox might have been making Sophie’s indecision part of her personality, but sometimes it got a little too confusing.

Overall, it was a fun read and I enjoyed every bit of Sophie and Ryan’s story. The two of them turning out to be dog lovers was an added bonus, because I am a huge dog lover. If I had shown up at that pound I wound have taken every one of them home with me!

I write the kinds of books I love to read. The quirky characters in my romance novels experience angst, conflict, mostly great sex, and always get their "happily ever after." In my mainstream fiction, ordinary woman experience angst, conflict, and occasional great sex, but they also get embroiled in struggles against extraordinary odds, and I don't promise a happy ending. I also love thrillers, but I don't write those.  I live in Los Angeles with my husband, son, and a whole lot of pets. When I'm not hanging out in Hollywood, I'm eating my way through Budapest.

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Sylvie will be awarding winner's choice of a basic Amazon Kindle or a $69 Amazon gift card to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour.
 Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances are of winning. The tour dates can be found here:


  1. Sounds really good!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  2. Glad you enjoyed Puppy Love. Sophie & Ryan do have a bumpy ride, but fortunately get to their HEA.

  3. A great review. I really loved the excerpt. How could you not if you are a dog lover. This sounds like a really fun story to read.

  4. Wonderful review, I can't wait to read the book.


  5. I enjoy light, fun contemporary romances like this. The character of Sophie sounds like she can be a bit frustrating at times but I know I'd love her if she stops on the highway to save a puppy!

    Sylvie...You're eating your way through Budapest?? That sounds interesting!
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  6. I'm in the mood for romanctic stories with some humor and this sounds about perfect!

    lyra.lucky7 at gmail dot com

  7. Definitely going to read this one! Thanks!

  8. Very nice review

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  9. Thank you for sharing an honest review! I will keep these thoughts in mind while going into this novel-- but I will definitely be going into this novel! I'm excited to read it! :-)


  10. Having both points of view is great for getting a more complete picture.


  11. I'm glad you liked it so much! It seems like a sweet story! perfect for my spring reads :)

    andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

  12. Wonderful thoughts! I like the sounds of this one! Thanks for the chance to win!


    hense1kk AT cmich DOT edu

  13. CONGRATULATIONS to Natasha D (made a comment on Teena in Toronto's Puppy Love post). She's the randomly drawn winner of a basic Amazon Kindle or $69 gift card.

  14. puppy love rarely reaches a degree of matter for folks,even though they might become worried if their child's aspiring love starts to intervene using their different obligations and fundamental needs. A teenage encountering passion for the very first time could become simply diverted or less centered on different issues such as for example consuming, asleep, and schoolwork.
