BLOG TOUR & REVIEW - Falling Into You by Jasinda Wilder

Falling Into You by Jasinda Wilder is an incredibly beautiful story about a young woman, Nell Hawthorn, as she experiences such great happiness and then such soul-wrenching grief. This book had me grinning from ear-to-ear and then sobbing like a hormonal pregnant lady. Nell’s point-of-view was written so well I felt like I was sitting there and she was telling me her story.

We meet Nell as she falls in love for the first time with the boy next door, Kyle Calloway, who has been her best friend her whole life. The story of their love is told beautifully and makes you even fall a little bit in love with them. You can’t do anything but root them on. We all remember that time when we first fell in love, and reading their story certainly made me a little bit jealous of how much Kyle really did love her.

"And now we are learning how to fall in love together. I don't care what anyone else says. I love you. I'll always love you, no matter what happens with us in the future."

Then tragedy stuck for Nell and Kyle, and I sat there barely able to read the words because I was a sobbing mess. I knew it was coming but I just didn’t want it to, and prayed I had read the synopsis wrong. I had fallen in love with this couple and I couldn’t have imagined such a horrific ending to their story. It made me go find Hubs and give him a big hug and kiss, reminding me how we need to let our loved ones know how much they mean to us everyday.

Colton Calloway, Kyle’s older brother, is introduced to us at Kyle’s funeral. For some reason Nell finds comfort and safety with him almost immediately during the process of the showing, service and burial. Maybe it’s because he’s Kyle’s brother? Maybe it’s because he has experienced the same grief Nell has, and he knows what she needs for comfort? Maybe it’s because he doesn’t give up trying to comfort her?

"I want you to let yourself be broken. Let yourself hurt."

They don’t see each other for another two years after the night of Kyle’s funeral but Nell is still in the same place of guilt and grief over his death as she was the last time they saw each other. Colton pushes her and pushes her to face everything she kept bottled up and tried to help her deal with everything she experiences along the way.

Now Nell and Colton’s story is much different from Nell and Kyle’s story. I was almost not even sure if I should root for their romantic relationship or not. I couldn’t tell if I thought their need for one other was healthy or not. Maybe it’s because Nell is older or because Colton is even older than her, but their relationship is much more mature than her relationship with Kyle was.

"It hurts, it's confusing. I know I loved him. I did. But...somehow I'm just-things with you and me are just...more. I don't know."

The differences in the two relationships are almost bi-polar to one another. You go from this sweet and passionate first love with Kyle, to this hard and intensely erotic relationship with Colton.

A huge part of Nell’s relationship with Colton is music. Music takes on a life of it’s own in the second part of this book and speaks for Nell and Colton when they can’t. I think Jasindia Wilder did an amazing job with her music selection and really fit well within the story.

"It's enough to play for the love of the music, for the chance to feel the notes fly out and bounce off minds and hearts."

Will Nell be able to finally overcome her demons and have a healthy relationship with Colton? You’ll have to read it to find out, but let me tell you it’s REALLY worth it! If you can manage some heartbreak you really won’t be able to put this book down!

Jasinda Wilder is a Michigan native with a penchant for titillating tales about sexy men and strong women.
When she’s not writing, she’s probably shopping, baking, or reading.
Some of her favorite authors include Nora Roberts, JR Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Liliana Hart and Bella Andre.
She loves to travel and some of her favorite vacations spots are Las Vegas, New York City and Toledo, Ohio.
You can often find Jasinda drinking sweet red wine with frozen berries and eating a cupcake.

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1st place winner ~ $100 Amazon gift card
2nd place winner ~ signed paperback copy of Falling Into You
3rd ~ 6th place winners ~ each will receive an e-copy of Falling Into You

This will run from 3/18 through 3/29. Winners will be announced on 3/29 and contacted via email.

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