CHARACTER INTERVIEW - Cade Ellis from Hard to Love

Cade’s always taken risks…

Cade takes cares of his sick younger sister by doing what he does best--cage fighting and starring in adult movies, his newest harebrained moneymaking scheme designed to pay for his sister’s growing medical bills. But when his latest gig finds him admitted to the ER sporting an erection from hell, thanks to the little pill given to him by the director, he can’t get the pretty little nurse who treated him out of his head, even though he knows she’s so far out of his league it should be illegal.

Alexa’s always played it safe…

Tired of being pigeonholed as the sweet, innocent one, hardworking nursing student Alexa has been looking for ways to break out of her Goody Two-shoes image. When her friend suggests the outlandish idea of losing her virginity to the sexy and sure-to-be-skilled porn star, Alexa is mortified. But then when Cade refuses her proposition, she finds herself pissed off and embarrassed. When she tracks him down to give him a piece of her mind, she isn’t prepared for what she finds. Watching him care for his little sister tugs at her heart, and suddenly it’s no longer just about losing her virginity, but about helping Cade. Because Lord help her, she might actually be falling for a porn star…

Model: Marc Fitt
Romance Addict: First questions I have to ask is, how did you come up with the name Cupcake for Alexa?

Cade Ellis: She’s delicious, edible, and pretty. How could I NOT come up with the name Cupcake.

Romance Addict: What were you thinking when Alexa showed up at your house the day after her birthday?

Cade Ellis: Well first I wondered if I was seeing things, because she was a f*ucking vision in her little cream sun dress. Then I realized she’d come to collect on our argreement and I was fighting off wood the entire time talking to her. But I when realized she only came to tell me off, that feisty mouth of hers attracted me to her even more.

Romance Addict: Did you really have hard time finding girls to date before Alexa? I would think most girls would find your devotion to your sister a turn on, not a turn off...

Cade Ellis: Finding quality girls to date was hard, girls I actually wanted to introduce to Lily. A girl I take home from the bar at two in the morning isn’t going to be there the next morning to meet Lily over cereal, if you know what I mean.

Romance Addict: Do you still feel like Alexa lives a different lifestyle to your own, or have you both adapted to one-another's? Have there been anymore $300 spa trips for Alexa and Lily?

Cade Ellis: I have a soft spot for those two, so of course I’ll give them anything they want. And while I prefer not to know their spa bills, I can say we’re doing pretty well.

Model: Marc Fitt
Romance Addict: At want point did you realize you were in love with your Cupcake?

Cade Ellis: The moment I saw her bite into a chicken wing with her eyes riveted to the football game. Pure love. Hell, wife material. ☺

Romance Addict: What advise would you give to another guy trying to pursue a girl he thought was out of his league?

Cade Ellis: Go for it, man.

Romance Addict: Has Alexa has learned all she needs to know in the bedroom... or are you still teaching her?

Cade Ellis: We are teaching each other. Alexa is sweet and tender and extremely giving, so it’s fun learning new things together!

Romance Addict: Have you asked to have your pictures and videos taken off the Mrs. X Entertainment website?

Cade Ellis: We tried to at first, but apparently I’d signed some horrible contract that’ll keep them up for at least 90 days. After that they should be taken down.

Think Fast Random Questions:

Romance Addict: If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?

Cade Ellis: Xray vision to be able to see Cupcake’s panties at all times.

Romance Addict: What is your favorite position? You can take that question however you want.

Cade Ellis: Uh…Alexa might strangle me if I answer this. I like them all though, seriously.

Romance Addict: What would I find in your refrigerator right now?

Cade Ellis: Salad stuff for cupcake, protein for me, and probably a random crayon or something that Lily’s placed in there for safe keeping.

Romance Addict: Describe yourself in 3 words.

Cade Ellis: Loyal, Ambitious, Hardworking.

Romance Addict: What do you normally order at Starbucks?

Cade Ellis: I don’t do Starbucks babe. Just give me a cup of black coffee and I’m good. 

Romance Addict: The best meal you've ever had?

Cade Ellis: That first time Alexa cooked us spaghetti and meatballs, since I knew it meant so many things. It was always great to see her nurturing side with Lily and with me, but that was sort of a turning point, so it’s a special meal I won’t forget.

Romance Addict: Which do you like better, Summer or Winter?

Cade Ellis: I prefer summer. I love working outside, being in the sun.

Romance Addict: What are your plans for later tonight?

Cade Ellis: Haha. Nice try babe. I’ll be with my two favorite girls. Probably playing pet shop Barbie or something equally as riveting.

Kendall Ryan is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the contemporary romance novels HARD TO LOVE, UNRAVEL ME and MAKE ME YOURS. Her next title, RESISTING HER releases on May 1st. She's a sassy, yet polite Midwestern gal with a deep love of books, and a slight addiction to lipgloss! She has a bachelor's degree in marketing, a few too many book boyfriends and two very naughty puppies.
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