BLOG TOUR & REVIEW - Finally Found by Nicole Andrews Moore

Finally Found by Nicole Andrews Moore starts off pretty much where her book, Hiding Out, left off in it’s story about the Davenport brothers. Only this time we to be inside of Adam’s head while he tries to win over the hot bartender at her 30th birthday party, Cammie.

This book can probably be read as a stand alone, as things from the first book get explained a bit in it, but I wouldn’t recommend it. You really need to read Haley and Sam’s story in Hiding Out before reading Adam and Cammie’s story in Finally Found.

** STOP HERE if you did not read Hiding Out, because there will be spoilers to Hiding Out beyond this point!**

Adam is Sam’s younger brother who has never taken responsibility seriously. He doesn’t have a care in the world and doesn’t ever see himself falling in love, as he is pretty happy with his easy-going life and the freedom being a heir to a million dollar company provides.

Well, that was until he was hit by a car while saving Sam’s girlfriend, Haley, and ended up in a coma for a month.

This was a much quicker read than Hiding Out was. Depending on my mood, I can really go either way with that. On one hand I like it sometimes when it gets to the point, and other times I really enjoy the delicious torture an author can treat you to with their characters.

Things with Haley and Sam moved sslllloowwww in Hiding Out and by the time they finally got together I was pulling out my hair. This time, in Finally Found, the relationship between Adam and Cammie moved rather quickly. I think this really set the characters apart though, and it didn’t make you feel like you were in the same person’s head. It really showed the difference between the two borthers.

I really enjoyed the fact that as big a part of the story as Adam was in Hiding Out, Haley and Sam was just as big a part of the story in Finally Found. We were just in a different couple’s head this time and got to meet and know Cammie.

I really related to Cammie and her independent and spunky attitude. She was a fun character to get to know, and certainly had me rooting in her corner for her. She holds family values very highly, while also being determined to take care of herself on her own and not rely on anyone for anything. It hard not to have respect for her.

I thoroughly enjoyed these books and if you are looking for a heart-warming story, than look no futher!

Nicki has lived in Charlotte, North Carolina with her children for the past eleven years and her husband for the past three years.  Her journey has barely begun and she loves every minute of it.  Every day of her life seems to bring new adventures, some bigger, better, shinier and prettier than others.  She's still getting used to that new life smell she's experiencing, a combination of hope, love, and happiness.  (The perfect scents to build a new life on...)
For fun, she spends time with those she cares about, cooks, reads, writes, and especially lives to travel.  The current travel goal Suddenly Single Journey, Nicki is a contributor for Project Underblog.  Her writing can also be found on Shine, where she is a Shine Parenting Guru and an award winning Yahoo! Contributor on YourWisdom as the relationship and dating expert.  And she has been published by McClatchy News in their syndicated papers.: visit every Margaritaville.  Two down!  (Eleven to go?)

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