BLOG TOUR & CHARACTER INTERVIEW - Rock With Me by Kristen Proby

Front Man Leo Nash from the world-famous rock band, Nash, is the last person on earth Samantha Williams would trust. She's already learned about loving a celebrity the hard way and isn't signing up for another lesson.

Every time Sam gives Leo attitude, he wants to knock that chip off her fragile little shoulder. What the hell did he ever do to her, anyway? He's not used to women treating him like he's poisonous, and he isn't about to let her run away every time he gets close. He's had enough of people running away to last him a lifetime...when this one runs, he gives chase. But, catching Sam isn't as hard as he thought.

The sexual attraction between them is so thick, Sam can practically hold it in her hand. There's no way she can deny herself the promise of pleasure being with Leo would provide. But, pleasure always comes with pain and when secrets are revealed and trust is challenged, who will run and who will chase?

***WARNING: This book contains mature content and sexual situations.***

Romance Addict-Steph: Sam, can you start off telling us a little bit about yourself?

Samantha Williams: Well, I'm a magazine editor and I live in the Seattle area.

Romance Addict-Steph: What is something no one else knows about you?

Samantha Williams: I hate pedicures. There's just something about having someone touch my feet that grosses me out. Plus, I run, so I need my callouses.

Romance Addict-Steph: We all know Luke's wife, Nat, does boudoir photography, have you ever posed for her?

Samantha Williams: No.

Romance Addict-Steph: Would you ever pose for Nat to give Leo a nice surprise gift?

Samantha Williams: Hmm... good idea!

Romance Addict-Steph: Besides Leo's sun and stars tattoos, do you have another favorite tattoo of his?

Samantha Williams: I love the tats on his hands.

Romance Addict-Steph: Would you ever get another piercing or get a tattoo?

Samantha Williams: I don't think so.

Romance Addict-Steph: What would be the perfect ideal date with Leo?

Samantha Williams: I have the perfect date with him every day. Just being with him is the best. God, that sounded mushy. I'm turning into Natalie.

Romance Addict-Steph: It's been said that you have always been a huge Nash fan, how did you react when you found out Nash was performing at Jules' wedding?

Samantha Williams: I was more than a little giddy.

Romance Addict-Steph: You are stranded alone on remote island with only the Montgomery men playing survivor, who do would you vote off first?

Samantha Williams: Oh... damn that's a hard one. All of them are great guys, and would be good at roughing it. Hmm... maybe Matt. What's he gonna do, arrest the palm trees? Hahaha Don't tell him I said that.

Romance Addict-Steph: Thank you so much for your time, Sam! I know you are not a big fan of being interviewed, so it means a lot that you stopped by!

Kristen is the author of the Amazon and USA Today bestselling With Me In Seattle series. She has a passion for a good love story and strong characters who love humor and have a strong sense of loyalty and family. Her men are the alpha type; fiercely protective and a bit bossy, and her ladies are fun, strong, and not afraid to stand up for themselves.

Kristen spends her days with her muse in the Pacific Northwest. She enjoys coffee, chocolate and sunshine. And naps.

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