SPOTLIGHT & EXCERPT - A Moment by Marie Hall

 Ryan Cosgrove and Liliana Delgado are on a collision course with destiny. They don't know it yet, but before the night is over their lives will be forever changed.

Spending Valentine's Day at a burlesque bar, hadn't been Liliana's ideal way of spending a Friday night. She'd much rather be back at campus, doing homework... until she meets Ryan. Tall, athletic, and gorgeous, Lili can't keep her eyes off him, and despite his gruff manners and drunken disposition she's intrigued.

Ryan's got demons, and they're deep, dark, and eating him alive. Regardless of his attraction to the petite brunette he's tired of fighting, of pretending the last fifteen years haven't been a daily struggle just to get out of bed every morning. That night he decides to end his pain, to leave it all behind and float away into the blessed darkness of oblivion. But fate has other plans for him, Lily finds and rescues Ryan, determined she'll not only save his body, but his soul too.

This is their moment...

 “Burlesque?” I look at my cousin wondering if he always thinks with his nuts, but no sooner I ask that question, I know the answer. Don’t all guys? I laugh. “Not exactly the kind of place I’m used to, but whatever. So long as they’ve got liquor I’m good.”

Stepping out of the shower I wrap the bath towel around my waist. Alex has the door slightly cracked, not peeking inside but talking to me.
“And I, uh, hope you don’t mind but I invited this chick I know.”
Sighing, I run my hand across the mirror. “Whatever floats your rocks, man.”
“It’s not a date. Not like that.” Alex is quick to correct me.
Which is funny because I wasn’t really viewing this as anything. Alex likes woman and they generally like them. He’s a good guy with a good head on his shoulders. We don’t care if the other one brings home a woman, not like we need to ask permission. “So you telling me she’s available?” I smirk as I brush the knots from my wet hair.
“Look man,” Alex breaths hard, “I like this girl. Don’t screw with her head. You got that?”
Stopping, I pull the brush away and lean back to look at him. “What aren’t you telling me?”
Alex is already dressed in jeans and a burnt orange longhorn’s shirt and hat, looking every inch the proud U.T. fan. His jaw is clenched as he shakes his head. “Just that I like her.”
I shrug. Still not understanding what the hell he’s getting at. “So ask her out.”
“It’s not like that,” he slashes his hand through the air, “she’s a friend, okay. But a good one. So just play nice and don’t act like such a dick around her. That’s all.” Muttering under his breath he turns away.
Rolling my eyes, I finish getting ready, trying hard not to let the demons knocking on my door crash through. Not yet. Tonight I just want to forget. Sink deep into an eighty proof fog and pretend that for once I’m normal. Just a normal man who doesn’t need to do this to feel alive.
My hands shake when I pat my shirt down.
Traffic headed toward Sixth Street is crazy. Like always. But somehow we finally make it there. The street is one big party. Anyone and everyone who lives in Austin knows the only place to party is Sixth. The city closes down the entire section of street after nine. Already college kids are gathered outside the neon glare of the bar lights. Music thumps hot and hard through the door, sounding like liquid sex.
Girls smile at me as I shove my hands into my jeans. I’m not looking to get laid tonight, so I ignore them.
It’s obvious when we draw close to the Pink Lady. The techno music is replaced by the smoky strains of jazz and bassy blues. A neon woman in pink silhouette decorates the window. The blinds are all drawn.
I’ve been here a couple times, but have never stayed long. This isn’t really my scene. If I want to watch a woman dance I prefer to see her take everything off. Still, when I flash my card, a shot of adrenaline speeds my pulse.
Alex is scanning the crowd, a second later a huge grin splits his face. I frown, he seems really excited. I don’t actually recall ever seeing him act like that about a woman.
He isn’t exactly a player, but he isn’t the domestic type either.
So I look around, following his gaze and it’s like someone just pulled the floor out from under me. A petite Hispanic woman is walking toward him with an equally large smile on her face.
Her hair is dark and silky, glinting under the dim red lights of the bar. It spills down her back in a graceful wave. Her body is toned and trim, legs a mile long and encased in a tight pair of red pants. A white top accentuates the bronze of her arms.
But her face is the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen. Heart shaped, with a tiny cleft in the jaw, full lipped and a short button nose. She stops in front of us carrying the scent of flowers with her.
Which is amazing I can even smell that because the bar reeks of scotch and smoke and food.
Turning green eyes toward me, she smiles. “Hi, I’m Liliana.”

Marie Hall has always had a dangerous fascination for creatures that go bump in the night. And mermaids. And of course fairies. Trolls. Unicorns. Shapeshifters. Vampires. Scottish brogues. Kilts. Beefy arms. Ummm... Bad boys! Especially the sexy ones. Which is probably why she married one!

On top of that she’s a confirmed foodie, she nearly went to culinary school and then figured out she could save a ton of money if she just watched food shows religiously! She’s a self-proclaimed master chef, certified deep sea dolphin trainer, finder of leprechaun’s gold at the end of the rainbow, and rumor has it she keeps the Troll King locked away in her basement. All of which is untrue, however, she does have an incredibly active imagination and loves to share her crazy thoughts with the world!

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