BLOG TOUR & REVIEW - Music of the Heart by Katie Ashley

 Who doesn’t want to fall in love a hot and sexy rock star? Katie Ashley certainly delivered her readers the perfect guy to embody the every woman’s rock star fantasy, Jake Slater. He is the lead singer of Runaway Train and has the whole misunderstood and emotionally suffering artist thing going for him.

Again, who doesn’t love the self-tortured rock star type?

Our heroine, Abby Renard, is almost the polar opposite Jake Slater. Born into a religious family that served as missionaries, Abby deeply believes in her faith and values. She is suppose to join band her three older brothers started and decides to hit the road with them for the Summer to see if she can handle it. She may not know which path God is leading her down, as she also want to become a nurse, but she definitely seems to have a great head on her shoulders.

Well, until she accidently ends up on Runaway Train’s bus and makes a bet with a known womanizing rock star.

Jake is instantly attracted to Abby when he finds her in his bed and thinks she is just another groupie. I think it makes him even more attracted to her when she quickly lets him know she is not there on purpose and is not interested in joining him in any kind of sexual activities, because he quickly make a bet with her that keeps her on his band’s bus for the next week.

We learn a lot about these characters, Abby and Jake, over the course of their week together. We also meet some great secondary characters, Jake’s band mates AJ, Rhys, and Brayden. I don’t think the book would have been the same without Jake’s band mates. Katie Ashley did well is letting all their different personalities shine through on the pages as we got to meet them.

Katie Ashley made me feel everything from rage to sorrow for Jake, and on more than one occasion. Just when I started to think Jake wasn’t such a douchbag he’d do something to totally piss me off in the full rock star fashion, but then something would happen that would completely break my heart for him and I’d want to pull him into a big bear hug.

I fell in love with Abby as well. I couldn’t help be keep routing for her throughout the whole book, whether it involved her relationship with Jake or her fear over being on stage with her brothers. I felt like a proud mother every time she succeeded in some aspect of her life or overcame a fear.

If you want a new rock star book boyfriend, this is the book for you! Jake is a little hard to love at times, but as Abby will agree, he is absolutely worth it in the end and will probably melt off your panties.

Katie Ashley is the New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon Best-Selling author of The Proposition. She lives outside of Atlanta, Georgia with her two very spoiled dogs and one outnumbered cat. She has a slight obsession with Pinterest, The Golden Girls, Harry Potter, Shakespeare, Supernatural, Designing Women, and Scooby-Doo. 

She spent 11 1/2 years educating the Youth of America aka teaching MS and HS English until she left to write full time in December 2012.

She also writes Young Adult fiction under the name Krista Ashe.

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