REVIEW - Where I Need To Be by Kimberly Knight

Let me start off this review by being perfectly honest…
I have had Where I Need To Be by Kimberly Knight on my to-read list for some time now, but I also well aware that she had a second book in the series coming out soon. I am one of those who can get very overly excited about a book, and waiting for the rest of the books in the series to come out usually drives me a little insane. So I had put Where I Need To Be on the back burner while waiting for the second book, Wanted.

I cannot put into words how glad I am that I waited! Putting Where I Need To Be on the back burner all changed when Kimberly Knight revealed the STEAMY cover for Wanted, along with the new cover for Where I Need To Be. If had bought Where I Need To Be earlier, I would not have the new cover featuring the VERY sexy Joe Marvullo on my kindle right now. Which let me tell you, makes me a very happy lady! (For some reason I have issues with getting my books updated on my kindle when there is a new cover. I have spent over 2 hours on the phone with an Amazon Kindle Specialist trying to figure out why that is!)

I honestly don’t know a woman alive that wouldn’t want to just stare at that man all day long.

On to the book…
Where I Need To Be starts off after Spencer Marshall has just broken up with her boyfriend of two years. Not long after her own breakup, her best friend and roommate, Ryan, has a falling out with her boyfriend as well.

Doesn’t it always seem to work out that way? When one friend gets a new boyfriend, the other friend isn’t too far behind to get one herself. And when one friend breaks up with her boyfriend, the other friend starts having problems in her relationship too. It always seems to happen that way, doesn't it?

“You know what? No more of us moping around thinking of the men in our life. Let’s go to Vegas on Friday and enjoy a girl’s trip!”

I wish I were lucky like Spencer and Ryan, in that I could just pick up and leave my troubles behind, because that is exactly what they do. Deciding they need a small vacation, Spencer and Ryan had off for a weekend in Vegas in hopes to forget about all their boyfriend drama. While in Vegas lady luck seems to be on Spencer’s side, because she repeatedly keeps running into the sexy guy from the new gym she has started going to.

We get to know Brandon Montgomery, owner of that new gym Spencer is going to, after their Vegas trip, and it’s not hard to fall in love with him along with Spencer. You also get to meet his friend and business partner, Jason. And I find it funny Kimberly Knight named her main character’s best friend Jason Taylor. Anyone else remember that name from another book?

“You know, when I first saw you in the gym, I wanted to talk to you. I even managed to get close to you while you ran on the treadmill, but I couldn’t get my courage up to talk to you.”

I found this book to be a really sweet short read. It wasn’t nearly long enough for my liking, but I always enjoy reading a good love story. There is some drama in the book, but never really any drama between the couple. Their relationship stays pretty solid, which is not only hard to find in the real world, but pretty hard to find in my fictional boyfriends as well.

I found the way Kimberly Knight wrote their relationship growing and evolving to probably be the best part of the book. It might seem like it came about pretty quickly, but I don’t think so. I think they had plenty of flirting before trying to be a couple. A lot of other books out right now move their character’s relationships along a lot quicker than Kimberly did in Where I Need To Be.

“Nothing else matters except you, Spencer. Nothing. You’re what I want, what I need. Where you are is where I need to be.”

Overall, you would certainly be cheating yourself (like I did) out of a great read if you don’t look into getting this book! The second book is coming out soon, so if you start now you won’t have to wait too long!

April 1, 2013

From the moment she first saw him running on the treadmill next to her, Spencer Marshall had fallen head over heels in love with Brandon Montgomery. After Spencer has a near-death experience she would rather forget, they do their best to move on with their lives, leaving their past behind them. Thankful for a fresh start and eager to move on with her life, Spencer focuses on helping her best friend Ryan Kennedy plan her wedding. Everything seems to be going as planned when someone from Brandon's past reappears. Can Spencer and Brandon survive the coming days as they struggle to deal with ghosts from the past?

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Cover Models:
Joe Marvullo
Like Joe Marvullo on Facebook
Follow Joe Marvullo on Twitter @JosephMarvullo

Kari Jo Goodwin
Like Kari Jo Goodwin on Facebook

Photographer: David Massa

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