REVIEW - Arranged by Sara Wolf

I excuse myself to the bathroom and splash cold water on my face. I come out, my hands still not fully dry thanks to the crappy air-driers, and Lee is leaning on the wall outside.
“You!” I sputter. “You really are a stalker.”
“Did you even try to hold his hand, yet?” Lee yawns, hazel eyes tearing up.
“Were you the one throwing candy at Brendan?”
 “Popcorn,” He corrects. “Answer my question, princess.”
“No! I haven’t touched him. And don’t call me princess, it’s way too Han Solo for my tastes.”
“Everybody loves Han Solo,” Lee argues. “He’s a delightful rogue. Like me.”
“You’re a popcorn-throwing girl-stalking four-year-old,” I correct.
“You should touch him. Guys like that. Knee touching, hand touching, something to let him know you’re interested. Do you even like him?”
“I –” I stop myself. Am I really interested in Brendan? So far this entire ‘date’ has been me being harassed by Lee, and I sort of…like it. But I’ll never voice that out loud, lest I inflate Lee’s already-enormous ego more.  
“I think I like him,” I say. “I feel like we could be compatible. Or whatever people call it these days.”
And suddenly, Lee’s gaze snaps from light and playful to dark and deadly, burning like nothing I’ve felt before.
“What?” I cross my arms and try to look tough.
“Kiss him,” Lee responds simply. “When the movie’s over, kiss your Brando, and come back here and kiss me. It’s the quickest way to tell if you’re really into someone. If you do it, and you like him better, I’ll leave you alone for good.”
“You said that last time.”
“I mean it, this time. No more popcorn-throwing at would-be boyfriends. No more tailing you. I won’t even spare a glance at you in the halls at school. I’ll leave you alone and let you experience love with the guy of your choice.”
“And if I,” I swallow, hard. So hard I’m afraid he heard it. “Somehow, beyond all logic, like you better?”
Lee smirks, infuriating and devastating all at once. “Then you and I, princess, have a lot to catch up on.”
I roll my eyes. “Keep dreaming. For the last time – I’ll never fall for your plan.”
“Which one? The plan where we rent a fancy hotel room for a week and completely destroy it?”
“The plan where you wed me, get the money, and run to Brazil to bathe in champagne and bikini models.”
“Tempting as that is,” He sucks in a breath. “I’d rather just have you. And the money would be nice. But you would be better.”
“Why? Why am I so great to you?” My voice rises. An old man walking by shoots us a look but I don’t care.
“You’re beautiful. Not party girl cute or cheerleader slutty, but a soft, quiet sort of beautiful. Elegant.” Lee counts off on his fingers. “You’re sweet, even to people you don’t know. You’re smart as a whip – the professors on campus won’t shut up about you.”
For once, I don’t have an insult to hurl at him on the tip of my tongue. I’m speechless. Lee flashes a smile and counts on another finger.
“And you saved me. You saved my life, Rose. And even if you don’t remember that, I do. You saved my life. So I want to make yours better – no, the best. I want you to have the best food and the best laughs and the best sex. I want you to have the best of everything.”
A distant boom of a movie sound effect pierces through the walls, breaks the tension between us. Lee’s smile gets bigger, and he pushes the small of my back with his hand lightly, steering me toward the theater.
“Go on. Finish the movie and kiss your Brando. I’ll be waiting here.”
“I-I don’t know how to kiss.”
He laughs, low, in my ear. “Yes you do. We’ve done it two times already. You’re delightful at it.”

Arranged by Sara Wolf starts off with us meeting Rose Jensen, a college student at UCLA on scholarship. She spends all the extra time she has outside of class and working at the bakery studying in order to keep her straight-A average so she doesn’t lose her scholarship.

“I have a life here. I have a college degree to think about. Do you know how hard I worked to get into UCLA?”

It becomes very apparent rather quickly that Rose is incredibly selfless person, almost to a fault. She won’t accept help from her family for school because she believes they need it more than she does. She would also give up all of her dreams and ambitions she has ever had to go back home and help save her family’s business.

“I have to help them. If I leave them in trouble like this, I’ll never forgive myself. I’m the only one who can help.”

Then we meet Lee Montenegro, a transfer student who has already made himself known as a playboy, when Rose stumbles into him coming out of another girl’s dorm room with only a Care Bears t-shirt in his hands to cover himself with. Rose (as well as myself) was not impressed with Lee right away, but it turns out Lee is the key to her financial freedom.

“You look a lot different without the Care Bears clutched to your crotch.”

When Rose’s grandfather dies he leaves her enough money to help her family’s business as well as pay for school, but she has to marry Lee in order to get the inheritance he has left her.

“Marriage for money? How old fashioned and ridiculous is this? You can’t expect me to do this. There’s no way I’m doing this.”

Sara Wolf takes us on the journey of Rose’s self-discovery in trying decide how to make the right decisions. She has never made the time for boys partly because she doesn’t honestly think much of herself or her physical appearance. She has to discover how to overcome over those self-esteem issues as she falls in love for the first time, as well as grieve for her grandfather and the parts of her childhood he represents.

“I’m not saying anything. I won’t bind you to me with old memories and should-have-beens.”

I found this Arranged to be extremely relatable, as I imagine most women who read it would. Reading this book made me think back to when I was nineteen and twenty years old, when I too lost my grandfather that I was very close to. I fought self-esteem issues and was trying to figure out where I wanted to go in life, as well as fell in love with my husband during that time, just like Rose.

“Boy don’t like me. They cheat off my tests or borrow my notes from class, but they don’t really like me. I’m only good at studying, and carrying around stupid dreams like bakeries. I’m no fun.”

Coming into young adulthood is a tough time for everybody, and I think Sara Wolf really captured that aspect of the story for Rose very well. Trying to figure out which direction you want to steer your life towards and making those important decisions that will impact your future is stressful and can be traumatic. I found myself catching my breath and wanting to hold Rose’s hand while she faced all the roadblocks that came her way.

Fair warning; be prepared that the ending might just rip your heart out! No worries however as Arranged is the debut novel by Sara Wolf, and is the first in what is sure to be a standout series! More of Rose and Lee to come!

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