BLOG TOUR & REVIEW - Catching Meara by Christine Young

"I can't--sleep. I can't close my eyes."

"Why ever not?"

"I'm afraid that cat will show up again. Any suggestions? Any besides keep all the doors and windows closed?" Like a drill sergeant, she marched through his open front door.

She didn't hear footsteps behind her, but she did hear the door close. He was always as silent as cat stalking a mouse. She didn't sense his presence until his hands were on her and he was spinning her around. Surprised, she cried out. The spinning sensations caused her to stumble. She fell down to the floor and he followed.

She was beneath him and he was sprawled over her, taut, tense, his chest naked and the muscles rippling. She wanted to trace the rosettes on his body. They were everywhere and she'd never noticed how many he had. His eyes seemed to blaze, searing, into her. "Meara," he began. "Dear god, Meara." Then he fell silent. He groaned as his fingers moved into her hair...and he was kissing her...really kissing her.

Not as he had kissed her earlier. Not lightly, but with hunger, raw and animalistic. Openmouthed, his lips moved upon hers, wet, hot, enticing a response from her. His tongue swept her mouth, thrust inside and demanded she respond equally. Then he drew away, kissing her face, the tip of her nose, her closed eyelids. His tongue rimmed her lips before slipping inside her mouth again, so deeply the inferno raced throughout her body. She needed to touch him if only to reassure herself this too was not a dream.

She wanted to feel the warmth of his body and explore the contours that were all male animal, sleek and hard. And in turn she felt an overwhelming urge, the fire, and the desperation to have him at any cost.

His lips rose above hers just a fraction of an inch. She touched them delicately with her tongue, encircling them, nipping lightly. He held still to her gentle assault then swept his arms around her. Once again their mouth melded and the tasting and sweeping and hunger were shared. When they broke apart again, his hold on her eased, but the tension in him seemed greater, explosive. His breath fanning her cheeks, he whispered. "Meara, I'm sorry. I understand it's too soon. It's just..."

Beneath him she lay still, wondering what on earth was happening to her. It wasn't too soon. Yet maybe he had the right of it. Perhaps he didn't want her in that way. She had teased and taunted him, shown up at his door and practically begged for the kiss--for sex. Still she wondered how he could just walk away. It seemed to him the kiss was a mistake, but she'd live with the mistake and cherish the moment.

He was on his feet, one hand holding tight to his towel, the other reaching down to her, helping her to stand. She gazed at him, her fingers still entwined with his, her lips swollen and soft and wet from the kiss.

"Jace," she whispered his name. He didn't speak, and his eyes focused with hers. "I'm not what you want. I know I'm not the kind of girl..." Her voice trailed away miserably. She barely knew him, and she had imposed herself after long days at work. But she wondered if his desire was great enough, if she could seduce him.

"Meara, hush, you are exactly the kind of girl I would want." His voice was a low growl, his words fraught with tension, his eyes blazing.

Catching Meara by Christine Young starts off when Meara Thorton is being arrested by Jace McKenna for hacking into something she wasn’t suppose to. Turns out Meara is one of the best computer hackers out there and the government wants to use her talents in exchange for not sending her to jail.

Jace is what is known as a shape shifter, and can shift into the form of a black jaguar at will.  As soon as he spots Meara huddled in the corner of an underground computer lab he instantly knows she is he mate.

We follow Meara and Jace on their journey of discovering each other and inevitably falling for one another, as well as Meara’s transition into a new life. Everything being uprooted from you and having to start fresh can be a bit of a rocky road and a little traumatic, but Meara seems to find comfort in Jace as he helps her along the way.

Now, I really liked the story that Christine Young had to tell in Catching Meara. I’m not a big paranormal fan, but I do have a soft spot for romance book about finding their mates. This book certainly did not disappoint in mates finding one another and having struggles while falling in love with one another.

However, I do have a few complaints. This book was a bit too short and I felt a little bit rushed through the story. I really feel like there were some parts taken out of the book, because there are some things that don’t get explained. I don’t want to give any spoilers away by pointing out things I didn’t feel got explained but, maybe there will be a second book to help with the questions I’m left having.

Now, I have to be honest, Catching Meara kept me company while I was home in bed sick and doped up on cold medicine. There might be a small possibility I missed something and that’s why I was left in the dark. When I have time I plan to give it another go and see if I can find what I’m looking for.

Overall, it was certainly was an enjoyable book to have as a companion while I was being nursed back to health by my hubs. If you are looking for a love story about paranormal mates with a little bit of a suspense undertow to it, Catching Meara by Christine Young is definitely the book for you!

Born in Medford, Oregon, novelist Christine Young has lived in Oregon all of her life. After graduating from Oregon State University with a BS in science, she spent another year at Southern Oregon State University working on her teaching certificate, and a few years later received her Master's degree in secondary education and counseling. Now the long, hot days of summer provide the perfect setting for creating romance. She sold her first book, Dakota's Bride, the summer of 1998 and her second book, My Angel to Kensington. Her teaching and writing careers have intertwined with raising three children.  Christine's newest venture is the creation of Rogue Phoenix Press. Christine is the founder, editor and co-owner with her husband. They live in Salem, Oregon.

Find Christine Young:
Follow Christine Young on Twitter @achristay

Christine Young will be awarding a Gift Basket that includes a $30 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour (international giveaway).
Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here:


  1. lol all I could think of while reading that was " well that escalated quickly..." in Will Ferrel's voice! Thanks for sharing the excerpt and review! Very helpful!

    andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

  2. Romance is romance and I enjoy well written paranormal. A good review thank you - illness and all.


  3. Thanks for sharing! I'm all pumped for the book right now!!!


  4. I enjoyed the review and excerpt, thank you.


  5. How did you come up with the idea for this story?

    shadowrunner1987 at gmail dot com

  6. What is your favorite scene in the story?

    lyra.lucky7 AT gmail DOT com

  7. The story started as a mystery with serial killers. Then it just started evolving. I wanted to write a story with a shapeshifter and I liked the big cats. When I was researching black jaguars I was fascinated that they had the rosettes. I knew Jace would have to have them too.

  8. I don't really have a favorite scene. But among my favorites were the scenes where Jace is in his jaguar form and Meara is talking to him as if she knows him. And she does.

  9. A big thanks to romance addict book blog for hosting Catching Meara today. Thanks too for the review. I really appreciate the time spent.

  10. I love the sound of this romance.. lOVE shape shifter stories.

  11. I love the excerpt! Definitely going to pick this one up!

  12. Very nice review

