Jordan Bell is a bestselling author of steamy romance novels and novellas. The Fortune Teller’s Daughter is her newest release, now on sale on Amazon and all other major retailers and will be available in paperback in late March, 2013.

The Fortune Teller’s Daughter started with music.

Most of my stories, the novellas and the novels, begin with a moment where something happens or someone says something to me and I go “oh hey, wow, now THAT is a moment.” And then I write it down as fast as I can and the story sort of unfurls around it like so many ribbons.

I’ll be minding my own business and I’ll see an ad or overhear a bit of conversation or be caught up in a moment where all I can think about is that I need to capture this moment in a story. I can feel that there’s something there, something worth exploring. Because so much of my inspiration comes from what happens around me, I end up becoming a bit of a collector of things and an absolute kleptomaniac of other people’s conversations.

With Billionaire Bait: Breakfast with Mia, Ménage for Dessert, it started with a particularly sinful dessert and the intense physical pleasure I experienced eating it at a dinner with friends. I loved the idea of having a carefree character look at a dessert and ascribe feelings of euphoria to having indulged in it. I loved the idea of a man who is secretly inspired by her arrange to have breakfast with her as often as possible so he can be there when she completely lets go and a breakfast pastry isn’t just a breakfast pastry. It’s a metaphor for indulging in life and embracing it with eyes wide open. All this because I couldn’t say no to a dessert menu!

With the SECRETS trilogy, I was in the proximity of a conversation about a girl who ran into a man she was badly in love with years ago and it was clear there were still sparks – like firework sized sparks complete with singing birds and music. She lamented that both of them had moved on to be with other people, but what if he was the one for her and she was the one for him and they’d gotten in their own way of happily ever after? The thought broke my heart and I was like, OMG, I have to write that story. It needs an ending. They need closure, one way or the other. So I created Kara and Sean and threw them into a room together to see what happened.

Sparks. Lots and lots of sparks.

With The Fortune Teller’s Daughter, it began with a song.

I’d already been nursing an idea of writing a story set in a fairy tale like carnival, but I wasn’t really sure who the characters were going to be. I liked the idea of one of them being the stage magician, and I spent a lot of time going back and forth on whether I wanted what he did to be very good illusions or if I wanted him to be something other in the world where what he could do was as close to magic as anything could be.

I was sitting in my car waiting for my husband and the radio was on and my eyes were closed. I was having a hard time getting the novel started and nothing had really brought me into the carnival I wanted to create. When I wasn’t expecting it, after I’d heard the song a million times on the radio, Paradise by Coldplay started playing and it sounded so much different with my eyes closed and my brain too tired to do anything more than listen. And it’s a beautiful song, a sort of magical hope and I realized I wanted to write about magic. Not pretend magic, real magic. I wanted to write a book that made me feel like that song did. I wanted to take this girl who had nothing left to lose, who was alone and full of doubt and reluctance and I wanted to give her a glimmer of hope that sets her on a trail of breadcrumbs that lead her on an adventure. And I wanted her to fall in love.

Like all obsessive compulsive neurotic writers, I went straight home and started writing and I didn’t stop until I’d finished 5,000 words and an outline. It was like four in the morning and it felt exhilarating.

So with no further ado (which is really sort of ridiculous considering I’ve never shown brevity in my entire life) I’d like to present a short but enthusiastic playlist for my latest novel.

Nox Arcana’s Labyrinth of Dreams and Coldplay’s Paradise both sort of encapsulate the heart of the story. Nox Arcana’s Living Dolls inspired the music that plays on the Harlequin Carousel . The Lumineer’s Ho Hey both inspired a scene in the middle of the book where the characters are playing cards and drinking after a long string of shows and they inspired the Magician’s unofficial uniform of a white shirt and suspenders. I hope you enjoy the music and the book!

Serafine Moreau grew up on the shiftless, grimy edges of cities that were never home, raised at the capricious whims of her bohemian mother. She learned young how to move unseen through crowds, acquire things that didn’t belong to her, and disappear at the first sign of trouble. Together they made a curious life beneath street market tents, plying tourists with fortunes and new age voodoo. It wasn’t perfect, but it was theirs - until a stranger appeared one unremarkable autumn morning to steal the fortune teller’s life and leave Sera with nothing but questions.

Now alone, Sera wanders lost between days, strangled by the past and unable to pursue her future. Even the cards reveal nothing. So when an invitation addressed to her mother’s stage name Corazon arrives from an old carnival outfit looking to recruit the late fortune teller, Sera answers instead.

Beneath the labyrinthine tents she discovers enchantments that defy explanation and wonders that feel like magic. Bewitched by the carnival’s handsome illusionist and the dark whimsy of the Carnival Imaginaire, Sera finally feels like she’s home until the mystery of her mother’s death unravels with the secrets of the carnival’s past. At the center of the brewing storm hides Sera’s heart that can’t hope to survive another loss.

Jordan Bell is a bestselling author of steamy romance novels and novellas. She writes about powerful relationships, complicated families, terrible villains, delicious heroes, and curvy, clever heroines. Jordan’s newest title series, Curves & Corsets, debuted on the Amazon bestseller list with more hot titles on the way. The Fortune Teller’s Daughter is her first full length novel. She lives in the Midwest with her husband and four cats.

Follower me at my website, on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, Join my mailing list for new releases and free short stories!

Jordan Bell is currently on virtual tour with 15 other awesome romance authors as part of the Insatiable Reads Book Tour. From March 4-31st, readers will be invited to enter for a chance to win a Kindle Paperwhite, free books, and other fun goodies. Readers will also be able to participate in author chats, get insights into writing and publishing romance, and collect story swag.

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