BLOG TOUR & REVIEW - Untouchable by Lindsay Delagair

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Title: Untouchable (Untouchable #1)
Author: Lindsay Delagair
Release Date: July 30, 2011
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance

Untouchable by Lindsay Delagair had me on an intense emotional rollercoaster that had me fighting myself not to flip to the end and make sure that everything turns out with the happily-ever-after I wanted so badly for our star heroine, Annalisa Winslett. I very rarely want to flip to the end of a book because I really do enjoy a lot of suspense and find a simple kind of magic in the journey an author can put me through with their character’s stories; but Untouchable had my heart pounding so hard sometimes in worry over Annalisa, that I almost just had to know the end just so I could make it through the character’s heartache.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen to him, but you’ve got to understand that I’m really and truly in love with him.”

Our two main characters are Annalisa Winslett, a billionaire heiress, and Micah Gavarreen, a hired hit man whose family is involved deeply with the mob. Annalisa is relocated and given a fake name, along with her sister, Kimmy, after her mom becomes suspicious of her father’s (Annalisa’s grandfather) supposed suicide. Everyone seems to think Annalisa’s mother has fallen off the deep end, but to make her mother feel better, Annalisa agrees to stay with her mother’s college friends, Bev and Matt, during her junior year with nothing more than a wardrobe provided by Wal-Mart.

“I’d kill right now for a Victoria’s Secret.”

Annalisa has no plans to make any permanent relationships while pretending to be someone else because she is certain that at some point she is going to be able to go home. She just doesn’t want to hurt anyone when that time comes. However, when two new boys show up and start school in the same week, she can’t help finding both of them very attractive. Both Evan and Ryan seem to also find interest in her and both persistently ask her out. The only problem is that one of them is a hired hit man, Micah Gavarreen, with a contract to put a bullet in Annalisa.

“You have a sexy voice, a beautiful face, I love long hair and – well, you’re kinda funny. Do you want to go out with me?”

I won’t spoil the fun and tell you which boy is the hired hit man, Micah Gavarreen. It honestly kept me guessing for while and had me going back and forth between the two of them. I do have a problem though, and that is not knowing what the deal with the second boy is. Both of the boys have with their own weird stories, and then with both being interested in Annalisa at the same time, it is seriously suspicious to me that both are up to something. The second boy however is left in first book to seem as a normal teenager. Will some secrets on him pop up in book number two? I hope so! He seems like a good bad guy to me.

“Can you believe it? It’s like the gods are dropping good looking guys from the sky! First Evan and now Ryan – who’s going to enroll tomorrow? Brad Pitt?”

What I really liked and enjoyed the most about Untouchable is the faith in her beliefs and in her relationship with God that Annalisa has as she continues her emotionally tormented journey to discover the truth about who is after her and her family, and why they would put a hit contract out on her. She goes to church every Sunday and then every Wednesday night to sing for her youth group. She wholeheartedly believes, and then proceeds to tells everyone that she comes into contact with during her quest for the truth, that God has a reason for everything, and that it is his will to be putting her in these traumatic situations (that would probably bring anyone to their edge of their sanity, if you ask me).

“I’ve already forgiven Micah for what he has to do. But I couldn’t have done that if God hadn’t already shown forgiveness to me.”

Now I like to think that I am pretty good at guessing the outcome of movies, some crime television shows and even books; but Untouchable had me pretty damn clueless at to what was going to come next throughout the whole book. I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it and could not put it down because I just had to know how it was going to end. After finishing Untouchable I am ready to stay up the rest of the night to read the next two books in the series, Unforgivable and Untraceable!

Lindsay lives in Florida on the west coast.  She is married and has three children.  Although she holds a degree in technology, writing full-time (someday) is her dream job.  She enjoys different genres, but always comes back to writing romance.

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Giveaway #1
In order to win a free copy of Lindsay Delagair's book Untouchable, all you have to do is post a comment below telling me who your favorite hit man is. It can be anyone from a movie, television show or even a book. I just want to hear which hit man won your heart. I will be picking a winner on Sunday, March 10!

Giveaway #2

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