BLOG TOUR & REVIEW - Corporate Affair - Linda Cunningham

Author: Linda Cunningham 
Publisher: Omnific Publishing
Release date: March 2013
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Age Group: Adult
Tour organized by: AToMR Tours

A smart, sexy entrepreneur. A wealthy, arrogant ladies’ man set on purchasing her company. And a hotbed of chemistry neither one of them anticipated.
Aiden Stewart is just going through the motions of running the family business, a mega communications company snapping up all the competition. His trip to a tiny New England town to negotiate the purchase of ChatDotCom is nothing more than an interruption in his plans for his next female conquest. The last thing he expects is for Chat’s CEO M. Jordan Fitzgerald to be a woman who takes his breath away.

Jordan is focused on business, not romance. She’s got too much at stake, working to protect Chat’s employees, as well as making sure her family is taken care of. Falling in love is not part of the business plan, but resisting the man she really should not want is proving impossible.

When a rival wants to take over Chat too, Jordan struggles to keep her personal life from affecting the business deal. With secrets that could ruin everything, she has to decide if she can balance business with pleasure.

Linda Cunningham introduces hot new characters in her second Small Town novel, a steamy office romance set in idyllic Clark’s Corner, Vermont.

Corporate Affair by Linda Cunningham starts off with us meeting Aiden Stewart. He is a bit arrogant as well as a bit of a playboy. He knows he is good looking and he very much enjoys the female attention he gets, so he tends to juggle a few girls at a time to keep him company. He doesn’t seem to take his job helping run his father’s company too seriously, as making sure there is a woman keeping his bed warm is more important.

Aiden drives down to a very small town in Virginia to see about merging a local company, ChatDotCom, with his father’s. Excepting to have a meeting with an older man, Aiden is surprised when the CEO of ChatDotCom, M. Jordan Fitzgerald, is actually an attractive young woman.

Jordan Fitzgerald is now taking over the company from her dear friend and mentor, whose health is failing more and more everyday. She doesn’t think she has the time for any kind of romance with the many new responsibilities on her plate, along with taking care of all of her family’s needs.

I really enjoyed reading Linda Cunningham’s writing style in comparison to some the newer romance writers that are out. Her story takes you into both character’s point-of-view, but not to the where you feel you’re in the character’s head. You don’t get to read their thoughts, like you do in some other books. I felt like this kept the characters a little bit more mysterious to me.

You honestly feel more like you’re sitting there watching the story play out in front of you, rather than feeling like you are in the story. You get a good idea as to what Aiden and Jordan are feeling, but you are not fully aware of what they are thinking.

Another difference in Linda Cunningham’s writing style is that she gives you the full picture of what is going on around the characters. She gives full details about each room they are in all the way to what each character looks like and what they are wearing. A lot of newer authors forget to include these details that help give us a better picture of the author’s vision.

For example, when Aiden is walking around the town; you get a good grasp of what he is seeing as the houses and landscape are fully described to you. You can get a really great mental image of what Aiden is seeing as he takes in this small little town he has found himself in.

Obviously the dialog is the most important part of the book, but you just can’t be in too big of a hurry to get through the story that you don’t give the reader the best visual details you can.

Corporate Affair was a genuinely sweet love story that I thoroughly enjoyed reading. There is some stop and go in getting their relationship started, more so on Jordan’s side than Aiden’s, but it really does happen rather quickly in my opinion. I can’t imagine any woman CEO not being cautious over a relationship with a man who is trying to buy the company she works for.

Aiden more than proves himself to her though as Jordan seems to face more than one bad situation at the hands of Aiden and his father’s competitor (who is also trying to buy ChatDotCom).

The only problem I had was how quickly Aiden seemed to know he was in love with Jordan, when just the night before meeting her he was in bed with another woman. I would have liked to have seen his character struggle a little more with his feelings for Jordan, as well as a little bit more buildup with their relationship.

All in all, I could not have put Corporate Affair by Linda Cunningham down if I had wanted to! It should definitely be on your must-read list!

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Linda has written steadily throughout the years, but usually other people’s papers, speeches, or articles for agricultural trade magazines. Her only published work of fiction was a children’s book, “The Copper Angel of Piper’s Mill”, written in 1988 when her children were still small. Now that the kids are out of the house, Linda is writing fiction again, and this time it’s personal! She writes full time and it’s Romance!

Linda lives in a romantic stone house in the green mountains of Vermont surrounded by her gardens and her animals who include horses, sheep, cats, dogs, chickens, a parakeet and various wildlife visitors who wander in and out at will. When time permits, she also enjoys sketching and painting.

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