BLURB BLITZ TOUR - Venetian Love Knots by Normandie Alleman

In Venice, Allison Fox will find love in the arms of two men. Her past collides with her future in a battle for her heart. Which one will win?

Travelling to Venice to be the maid of honour in her best friend’s wedding sounds like a great vacation, and a romantic way to spend Valentine’s Day. But when Allison Fox discovers who the best man is, she is torn between duty and self-preservation.

It has taken Allison four years to put her tumultuous relationship with the rodeo cowboy behind her after a violent incident ripped them apart. Now Allison must find a way to face her past and find closure with her old flame. But will she be able to put the past behind her?

Cole is the Texas cowboy who has never got over his love for Allison. But when he declares his love for her after all this time, is she strong enough to walk away from the intense passion they share?

For years Nico, a handsome Italian, was committed to nothing but his work. Nico never expected he would meet an American beauty who would awaken in him a desire to love again. Once he finds her, Nico vows to never let Allison go.

It will be a Valentine’s Day to remember, but who will win Allison’s heart?

Looking around, Allison was expecting to see another kindly Italian lady, like the sweet one she had met on the plane earlier. She did a stutter step when she saw the man holding the sign that had ‘Allison Fox’ scribbled on it.

Nothing could have prepared her for the tall, handsome man in his exquisite Italian suit, searching the crowd with those piercing dark eyes. She saw him first, but when their gazes met the rest of the world seemed to melt away. He was so handsome, she was drawn to him immediately. She couldn’t quite believe this Adonis with the chiselled good looks was the person who was supposed to be retrieving her.

“Hi, I’m Allison Fox,” she said shyly.

“Oh, so you are Allison then?” The big man grinned happily, giving her a once-over. Judging by his smile, he seemed to like what he saw.

“Yes,” She hesitated, thinking that she probably shouldn’t just go off with a stranger, even if he was a good-looking one…

“I am Nico,” he said. “Nico Vitallini. Alfonso’s cousin. They sent me to pick you up. You are to be Marcia’s maid of honour, in the wedding, no?”

“Yes, I am.” Allison smiled. It was hard not to smile at him. The way he looked at her made her feel as though she was the only person in the entire airport. Her heart beat faster than usual. Were those butterflies in her stomach? Or was she just hungry?

“Come this way and we will collect your luggage. Here, please allow me to carry that for you.” He took her heavy carry-on bag from her hand in one graceful movement. The bag had been weighing her down, yet Nico tossed it around effortlessly. Allison bit back a smile.

A former psychologist, Normandie has always been fascinated by human behavior. She was surprised when that interest turned her into a writer of erotic romance.

If there were another 5 hours in the day, Normandie would spend more time needle-pointing and playing with photography. Instead, she’s a Pinterest addict and sports junkie who’s crazy for Twitter and the color pink.

Find Normandie Alleman:
Like Normandie Alleman on Facebook
Follow Normandie Alleman on Twitter @NormandieA

Normandie will be awarding a Gift Basket that includes a $30 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour (international giveaway).
Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here:


  1. I wish I had to choose between a Texas cowboy & a handsome Italian.


  2. Thanks for hosting me today! Love this blog, the design is awesome. :)

    And you're right, Mary. That's not a bad choice.

  3. Even though it's past Valentine's Day, I still love a good V Day romance.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  4. Sounds like a fun read.


  5. Thanks for stopping by, Catherine Lee and Ingeborg. Happy to see you today!

    For more chances to win an Amazon GC and a Venetian Love Knots be sure to visit my post for the Lucky in Love Blog Hop, which starts today! Here's the link:

    I know you gals like to win swag! (wink)

  6. I always thought psychology was fascinating. Must help when writing books!

    andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

  7. Where you ever in a similar situation as Allison, menwise?

    anzuazura at yahoo dot de

  8. Oooooh Lana! Good question. Not exactly, but Cole was inspired by a rodeo cowboy I used to know. I've never done the menage thing, just not my cup o tea. That's probably why it's not a "traditional" menage, but more of a three people with their own goals encounter.

    Haha! Is that an oxymoron - "traditional menage"?

  9. Ah, that sounds quite interesting :)


  10. Nice blurb


  11. I love the cover! Personally, I'm rooting for the Italian! I love Italian men and their accents!

    Best of luck!
