BLOG TOUR, REVIEW & EXCERPT - Beacon of Love by Allie Boniface

When I was younger, I use to LOVE mysteries. Television shows, books, movies… if it had a ‘who done it’, it was pretty much guaranteed to catch my interest. And I blame my mom because she made me watch probably every episode of Murder She Wrote.

As I got older my tastes have now evolved into romance as well… so let me just say that Beacon of Love by Allie Boniface was the perfect slice of heaven for me! Not only did we get a nice romance, but we also got to dig into an old mystery and try to solve a 50 year-old murder.

We start off meeting Sophie Smithwaite, the host of a cable travel show, as she finds herself in Lindsey Point to do an episode about it’s Lighthouse and the murder mystery behind it. Never in a million years would Sophie think she could possibly have connections to the lighthouse and the mystery behind the murder suicide that happened there 50 years ago.

Then we meet Lucas Oakes. He has lived in Lindsey Point his whole life and has suffered, along with everyone else, from the tragedies the town has had to endure. When asked to help run camera for the television show doing an episode about Lindsey Point, he can’t think of anything he’d rather do less but somehow ends up behind the camera.

It was entertaining to watch Sophie and Lucas’ romance. Both of these characters are super stubborn, so we all know that just means lots of arguing and drama. I happen to like it when it’s not so easy for the characters to come to terms with their relationship, and they have to find their way over obstacles. Personally, it makes it more satisfying when they do get together.

While we get to watch and see where Sophie and Lucas’ romance takes them, we also get to be caught up in the mystery of what happened at the lighthouse 50 years ago. And does Sophie really have a connection to the lighthouse she didn’t know about?

I really enjoyed this book, but I was left we a lot of unanswered questions, so I am hoping for a sequel! There really isn’t a cliffhanger, but there is certainly a lot of room to continue with the story. And I hope Allie Boniface does because I would love to see where Sophie and Lucas end up, and also find out more about the mysteries in Lindsey Point!

“Want something to drink? Water?”

Sophie shook her head.

“Not thirsty?”


He set the glasses down on the counter. “What?”

“Come over here and kiss me.”

His smile crooked. “Or what?”

She took two steps toward the kitchen, and he took one toward the living room, and they met in the middle. “Or I’m going to go crazy.”

He placed his hands on her cheeks and kissed her forehead.

Sophie closed her eyes, waiting for the slow, inevitable slip of his mouth down her neck. To her curve of her collarbone. Maybe lower.

“There you go,” he said. His hands went away.

Her eyes flew open. “That’s it?”

“You said you wanted a kiss.”

Her fists landed on her hips. “Ha ha. Funny guy. So funny, in fact, I think I’m gonna recommend that comedy special you were talking about to Lon. He’s looking for a new show, you know. Maybe you’re the next big thing.”

Lucas swung her off the ground. Her arms went around his neck and her mouth ended up a fraction of an inch below his. “Maybe I am.” He kissed her again, this time not on the forehead. And not sweetly. “What do you think?”

But she couldn’t answer, couldn’t think of anything at all except his tongue teasing hers, her legs wrapping themselves around his waist and holding on like she’d never held onto a man in her life. Fire sizzled up her spine, and the air in the room went hot. Her hands--God, her hands couldn’t get enough of him. They wanted to be everywhere, in his hair and on his face and unbuttoning that damn shirt and taking off her own dress that was so in the way right now.

Allie Boniface is a small-town girl at heart who's traveled around the world and still finds that the magic and the mystery of small towns make them the best places to fall in love and find adventure. From the New England coast to Rocky Mountain hotels to tiny European bars, she's found more character and plot inspirations than she could ever count. Currently, she's lucky enough to live in New York's beautiful Hudson Valley with her own "Hometown Hero," a guy who can fix, build, drive, and grill anything and is the epitome of the strong and silent type.

When she isn't writing love stories, Allie is a full-time high school English teacher who gets a kick out of helping her teenagers negotiate the ups and downs of writing along with the ups and downs of life (because, really, she's still trying to do the same thing!). And while she'll continue to travel far and wide, Allie knows there's really nothing like coming back to the place where the people who have known you forever welcome you home with open arms.

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  1. Thank you so much for having me here today! And yes, I'm working on a sequel to this book as we speak :) Inferno of Love will be Finn's story, but Sophie and Lucas are definitely in it too!

  2. I don't often read this genre but occasionally, like now, one pops up on my radar that I feel I must read. Thanks for the review. Question for Allie: If your book were to be made into a movie, who do you see playing the main characters?

    kareninnc at gmail dot com

  3. Thank you for the review, I'm looking forward to reading the story.


  4. Congratulations on your book Allie. Nice review. Glad to hear there will be a sequel. I love the cover by the way. Maggie Thom

  5. I am too am a romance lover who grew up watching Murder She Wrote so I hope I enjoy it as much as you. Thanks for sharing your thoughts

    fencingromein at hotmail dot com

  6. I really loved the review. This reviewer put a lot into her comments. Not only does it make you want to read the book, but also hope for a sequel. This story sounds really awesome.

  7. Very nice review

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  8. Thanks, all! (I love the cover too) Karen, that is such a good question about movie roles....hmm....let me think on it and get back to you!

  9. What a great review, Steph. Other reviewers have commented on the ambiguous ending and the lingering questions. It sounds like a sequel is in order!
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  10. So glad you enjoyed the novel! I, too, like it when it isn't easy for the characters-- what that says about me, I don't know ;-) I'm looking forward to this novel!


  11. You do such a wonderful job reviewing the book! It makes me want to run out and grab it off the B& N shelf down the street! :P Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!

    andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

  12. Sounds good; adding it to my TBR!
