REVIEW - Unbroken by Melody Grace

Once upon a time, there was a girl who dreamed that her first love would realize what a fool he’d been to break her heart and he’d come back, begging for another chance; so, she went looking for him on Facebook, only to find a picture of him, dressed in head-to-toe camo with a group of men (all dressed the same), standing around a pick-up truck full of dead swans.  Yes.  You read that right.  Dead swans.  Suddenly, the girl could hear Garth Brooks singing about unanswered prayers, and she said a quick thank you to sweet baby Jesus in the manger for whatever force had come between she and her first love.  It would not have worked.  Looking at that photo of dead swans, all our heroine could think of was Louis, from The Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White, with his little chalkboard tablet around his neck; and she knew, beyond any doubt, that Hunter Boy was not the boy for her, and finally, she moved on with her life.

If this was your story, wouldn’t you be looking for an alternative, too?  Luckily for me, there’s Unbroken by Melody Grace to give me back the dream of that boy, still as lovely as he was all those years ago (maybe even more so), without a dead swan in sight.  Unbroken tells the story of Juliet, heading back to Cedar Cove, the place of childhood summers, her first love, and her mother’s death.  She’s heading back to clean out the house that’s been in her family for generations so it can be sold, and she’s both dreading and hoping to see Emerson, her first love and the boy she never really got over.

She’s got the life she’s been telling herself she wanted: a loyal, steady boyfriend, a college degree (almost!), and plans for the future; but what will happen if she sees Emerson again?  Will he remember, will he care, and even more important, will Juliet be able to stay away from him?

Well, I have to ask: Would you?  In Juliet’s position, I’d have to say, hell no; and let me tell you, you’ll be glad she takes the chance to find out if anything is still there between she and Emerson.  Emerson is tough. He’s hot, of course, and he lives on an island, so he’s got two strong points from me right away.  Then, he’s the first love, a summer love, no less, which we all know are the BEST, and he’s kind of broody and hot.  Did I say hot yet?  No girl in her right mind would walk away from this guy without giving it some serious thought, especially with the very careful and secure life Juliet has waiting for her back in Charlotte.  I’m sure Daniel, Juliet’s boyfriend of 2 years, is nice enough, but I wanted to kick him.  Any boy who thinks a girl has exaggerated the extent of her family’s dysfunction gets an automatic fail.  So, goodbye to you Daniel!  Nice knowing you!

Juliet’s a believable girl in all of her confusion and angst.  If I’d lived through the summer she had, I’d be a freaking wreck heading back to Cedar Cove; and yet, she still ponies up, rips those wounds open and tries again.  I admire her moxy.  Sure, she falters once or twice, but who wouldn’t; she asks herself the right questions and she acts!  God bless her, she acts!  She doesn’t spend too much time standing around being indecisive and wishy-washy.  She makes a decision and she goes for it!  My kind of book girl!  Once or twice, I wanted to step into the book and throw myself in front of Juliet’s car when she tried to drive away from Cedar Cove with unfinished business, but in the end, she came through.

There was also a point when I thought, “Melody Grace has pulled a fast one on me!  Emerson is not the book boyfriend I believed him to be!  Damn it!”  But I kept reading and so should you.  All will be made clear in due time, my pretty.;)

My only complaint:  I liked the advice from her mother at the beginning re: a hurricane vs. a steady breeze (not that I agree with it, but I liked it as a story element), but I did not need the two by four to the head that I got with the actual hurricane scene at the end.  I get it, I get it already, Ms. Grace!  And I would argue that Emerson may make Juliet feel like there’s a hurricane coming every time he’s near, and maybe he’s a little impulsive, but he’s as steady and sure as they get. 

This is a tough one to put down, and there’s a lot to make you turn those pages (and some great smut!).  Crawl into bed and enjoy (so long as you don’t have to get up too early!)!

Melody Grace is a small-town girl turned SoCal beach lover. After spending her life with her nose in a book, she decided it was time she wrote one herself. She loves steamy romance novels, happily-ever-afters, and lusting after fictional menfolk.

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