BLOG TOUR & REVIEW - The Prelude by KaSonndra Leigh

Title: The Prelude
Author: KaSonndra Leigh
Release date: February 14, 2013
Age Group: New Adult
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tour organized by: AToMR Tours

I have to say, that The Prelude by KaSonndra Leigh was surprisingly a can-not-put-this-book-down read! There were some grammar errors (as if I have room to talk..), but the story line was certainly well thought-out and executed pretty brilliantly!

We start off meeting Erin Angelo during a very traumatic event in her life, that set the course of the path she decides to go down, not only in life but career wise too. We get offered quite a bit of background information about our heroine, Erin, right in the beginning, as to why she has chosen the career she has, and why she faces the demons that she does.

However, when we meet Alek Dostov, the sexy Maestro who has hired Erin to design the wardrobe for his symphony, he is a complete mystery. Even in the duel point-of-view, we don’t get his background information until he confides it to Erin. But let me tell you, it’s one pretty scary shit of a background!

It’s almost surprising to me that Erin has more trust and commitment issues than Alek, when in all honesty, I think Alek has the darker past. Alek’s family history kind of puts Erin’s to shame, and that saying something because Erin had some pretty horrific experiences at way too young of an age.

When our two main characters, Erin and Alek, come up with the “arrangement” to keep things simple and just use each other for sex, you almost want to laugh because we all know that this is just a way for them to be together without actually saying they are together. And we all know that the one who came up with the idea is the one who really wants more from the other person, and that would be our hot musical genius, Alek.

What I really enjoyed most about this book was that our male character, Alek, was pushing our heroine, Erin, to open up to him. Alek was the one realizing that they had some special and was the one really chasing after her every time she tried to push him away due to her fighting her demons. It’s a little rare in a lot of books to have the guy chasing after the girl to make her realize what they have between one another, instead of the girl trying to make the guy understand what they mean to each other.

Erin’s character certainly kept me confused sometimes. I wanted to slap a reality check into her sometimes when she kept trying to act like she couldn’t be with Alek. However, there are a few things Alek does that kind of pisses me off, that Erin doesn’t even get a little bit upset about. I don’t want to spoil anything, so I won’t say what he does… but I’ll give this hint: it’s when he takes he away for the weekend.

Overall, it was a wonderful love story, and the end had me in tears. There aren’t any cliffhangers, but I certainly think there is enough for a sequel to be written. I’m sure hoping for it, as I would love to read more of Erin and Alek!

 I live in the City of Alchemy and Medicine, North Carolina. I write about people doing fantastical things in magical worlds. Sometimes they fall for each other and make sacrifices for their friends. Oh, and sometimes they love music and nature too. I live with my two sons,a guinea pig, a cat, and two dogs. Now that I have completed my MFA in creative writing, I find that I have a little extra time to play CLUE more often. I live in an L-shaped house dedicated to my grandmother. It has a secret library complete with fairies, venetian plastered walls, and a desk made out of clear blue glass.

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  1. Awesome Review! can't wait to read it :)

  2. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing the Prelude. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it.

    All the best,
    KaSonndra Leigh
