BLOG TOUR & REVIEW - Light in the Shadows by A. Meredith Walters

Light in the Shadows by A Meredith Walters starts off where Find You in the Dark left off for us. So, I think we should talk about Find You in the Dark first. If you haven’t read it yet, then what are you doing reading this? If that is the case, you are not only going to get a bunch of spoilers by reading this review, but you are seriously missing out on an incredible book!

I have never cried so hard over a book as I did for Find You in the Dark. I cried like I was a hormonal pregnant lady. Find You in the Dark took me on an extreme rollercoaster of emotions with Clay and Maggie.

We met Clay and Maggie when Clay moved to town and started school. Maggie was the first person he met walking into high school and well, the rest is just history isn’t it? We learned in Find You in the Dark that Clay suffers from depression and bi-polar disorder. His diagnosis takes their relationship all over the place. One minute they are on cloud nine and the next both of them are completely miserable from Clay mood swings and anger taking it’s toll on their happiness.

Find You in the Dark leaves us right after Clay has tried to kill himself in a hotel room after he ran away with Maggie to keep his parents from having him reenter a mental health facility. At the end of the book Clay has gone into treatment and cut off all contact with Maggie and telling her to move on with her life because she basically deserves better than anything he can offer her.

Light In the Shadows picks up after Clay has been in treatment for a couple of months and is deciding on what he is going to do after his 90 days are up. Only he comes to find out that decision soon gets taken away from him.

Maggie is still not over Clay and is having a hard time moving on after he cut off contact with her and wrote her the ‘Dear John’ letter. With the help of her friends and another guy constantly pursuing her, she tries really hard to put one foot in front of the other to get back the life she had before Cay entered it. Well, that is until tragedy strikes and brings Clay back to town.

I found Light in the Shadows to be a great conclusion to Maggie and Clay’s story. I thought there were parts that were a little anti-climatic, in the sense I thought that certain situations could have gone a little bit further. Like, the situation with Clay’s friend, Maria, from the treatment center. I felt like Maria could have caused a little bit more drama then she did.

I honestly have been sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to read what happens with Clay and Maggie’s world after Find You in the Dark, and A Meredith Walters did not disappoint!

What I loved the most was that A. Meredith Walters didn’t just throw Clay and Maggie back together. I don’t think it would have been nearly as enjoyable if she had., nor would it have been realistic. She walked us through them trying having to rebuild their relationship back from the pieces it was left in at the end of Find You in the Dark, while also having to deal with tragedy and the people that came into their lives while they were apart.

I promise, if you read Find You in the Dark, you will absolutely love reading the end of Clay and Maggie’s story in Light in the Shadows! I don’t see where else A. Meredith Walters can go with their story, but I would vote for another Clay and Maggie book anytime! Maybe another spinoff with Jake? Or Maria even?

The New York Times bestselling author of Contemporary and Paranormal romance including Find You in the Dark, Cloud Walking and Bad Rep.

A. Meredith spent ten years as a counselor for at risk teens and children. First working at a Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault program and then later a program for children with severe emotional and mental health issues. Her former clients and their stories continue to influence every aspect of her writing.

A. Meredith recently moved to England and is trying to get used to driving on the other side of the road, eating fish and chips and all things British :-)

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  1. I look forward to reading Light in Shadows! :)

  2. I haven't read Light I'm the Shadows yet so I can't pick a favorite.

  3. I am new to her books but i look forward to reading them! thanks for the giveaway.
