BLOG TOUR & REVIEW - Broken At Love by Lyla Payne

Lyla Payne starts us off meeting Quinn Rowland the first night of his party that lasts during the entire U.S. Open. Quinn is a forcibly retired tennis player at the age of 20 due to a knee injury, and has been exiled to attend college at Whitman University.

We immediately find out what a douchebag Quinn is. And if I’m being honest, I had no soft or fuzzy feelings for him in the least. He is well and truly a complete douchebag. Not even a small glimmer of hope for this guy in the beginning. He basically rules the fraternity he is in with an iron fist and has them all taking part in his schemes.

A few months later, we meet Emilie Swanson when she goes to attend Quinn’s party for the Australian Open. She is an artist studying graphic design, but her parents don’t let her forget they wish she were majoring in pre-med or pre-law.

At the party for the Australian Open, my opinion of Quinn never changes. In fact my opinion of him probably gets worse as he steps up his douchebaggery. I’m serious, this guy, along with his half-brother and their fraternity brothers put the scum in scumbags.

I really liked that Lyla Payne didn’t hold back and let us really dislike Quinn. The book is told in duel point-of-view so we get to be inside of Quinn’s head half the time, which makes us maybe understand him a little bit more, but still doesn’t make us like him. We get to see the both of them falling in love with one another, while Quinn is still being a douchebag. (Have I used that word too much yet?)

I FINALLY started to like Quinn when he started realizing his feelings for Emilie and wanted to do what he thought was in her best interest. All while Emilie just wouldn’t give up on him. Honestly, I would have stop trying with Quinn early on in the game, but that’s just me. Emilie keeps pushing even when she knows she’s going to get burned in the end. And if that’s not love than I don’t know what is!

It’s hard not to fall in love Emilie. She is just such a relatable character with such a big heart that you can’t help but yell and cheer in her corner. This might possibly be why I didn’t like Quinn and continually refer to him as ‘The Douchebag’. When he hurt Emilie, it felt like he was hurting me as well.

Now, just because I didn’t like Quinn doesn’t mean I wasn’t on team Quinn and Emilie for the most part. I was, and Lyla Payne did a great job of taking me on their journey of seeing if they could find a place where all the pain from the past would be put behind them.

Overall, it was a good read and I would highly recommend it!

 Before I could protest he swept me onto the dance floor just in time for a slow power ballad, the kind they played in movies my babysitters used to make fun of when I was a kid, and tightened his arms around me.

They were strong and he smelled good. When I tipped my face up to say something, the strength of the desire in his eyes punched me in the gut, tightening my fingers in the curls on the back of his neck. He leaned down in front of everyone and pressed his lips against mine, softly, then pulled back and kissed my nose.
“That’s just a kiss. That’s not what happened on the beach.”
“Got it,” I said, barely recognizing the breathy voice as my own.
“I want you to forget about your dad and the art show, and Toby, and Annette. Let’s pretend we’re the only ones here.” His husky voice shuddered into my heart, pushing it into a gallop and making my legs shake.
“If we were the only ones here, we wouldn’t be dancing.”
“Oh? What would we be doing?”
I loosed a shaky laugh. “The dirty talk is your specialty, Quinn, not mine. No dice.”
“Fine,” he sighed, pulling me flush against him.
There were too many layers of taffeta and silk ruffles between us. I wanted to feel my breasts press against the hair on his chest, feel his hot palms on my back. When he lowered his head and tugged my earlobe between his teeth my knees nearly buckled.
“First of all, these clothes would be long gone,” he breathed into my ear. “I’d start here.” He pressed a kiss to my throat, flicking his tongue over my pulse. “And move down until I’d tasted every inch of you—and I have a feeling you are delicious absolutely everywhere. You’d be hot, and wet, and ready for me.”
“Jesus,” I gasped against his throat. “Stop.”
“No. You don’t want me to. Just like you didn’t want to stop the first time we kissed or the other night on the beach. You’re afraid, but you don’t want to stop.” Quinn’s vibrant blue eyes challenged me to lie.
I drank them in, completely gone. The desire to let him do everything he just said and a whole lot more licked along my nerve endings. “I’m afraid you’re going to break me, Quinn.”
“Don’t let me.” The challenge in his eyes intensified, heating up and pouring strength into me. “Don’t you let me fucking do that, Emilie. Don’t let anyone break you. You’re stronger than that.”
His opinion of me, the fact that he believed me tough enough to handle even a guy like him, pushed me past the point of no return. What would I regret more, sleeping with him or not sleeping with him? It was a tossup, but living meant not being scared. “Okay.”
Relief flooded his face and the sly grin reappeared.
I returned it, feeling confident and beautiful for the first time in a long time. “I won’t let you break me, Quinn. But right now I’d let you do about anything else.”
Before he could comment I took his hand and led him out of the ballroom.

I’ve long had a love of stories. A few years ago decided to put them down on the page, and even though I have a degree in film and television, novels were the creative outlet where I found a home. I’ve published Young Adult under a different name, but when I got the idea for Broken at Love (my first New Adult title), I couldn’t wait to try something new – and I’m hooked.  In my spare time I watch a ton of tennis (no surprise, there), play a ton of tennis, and dedicate a good portion of brain power to dreaming up the next fictitious bad boy we’d all love to meet in real life.

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1 comment:

  1. It just looks like a good story, one I'd really like. :-)
