BLOG TOUR & REVIEW - Hiding Out by Nicole Andrews Moore

Hiding Out is currently on SALE on Amazon for .99¢ though Sunday night! Along with Nicole Andrews Moore's other books, First a Dream and Sugar Daddy.

Hiding Out by Nicole Andrews Moore starts off with us meeting Haley Iverson and Samuel Davenport when Sam starts trying to figure out why his new temp for an assistant is incredibly skittish and shy. What Sam soon finds out about Haley’s past has him doing everything in his power to get close to Haley and protect her in everyway that he can.

“She freezes every time she’s touched…trembles even. I asked her if it was me. I mean, I know I can be scary. I just want to be sensitive to her if there’s something more to it.” -Sam

I could not stop reading this book! Haley’s story just about broke my heart. I felt her pain and her sorrow as she tried to duck her head in the sand to try and hide from everything that had happened to her. But we all know that you can only keep your head in the sand for so long before someone comes and dugs you out, making you face everything you tried so hard to forget.

Nicole Andrews Moore’s character, Haley, reminds me a lot of Abbi Glines’ character, Blaire, from the Fallen Too Far series. Both are incredibly strong characters but are naïve and inexperienced when it comes to having relationship with the opposite sex (and having some understanding of them). Both of these characters also have horribly tragic pasts that eventually come back to haunt them.

“Haley would wake up screaming at the same time every night. At first I  tried to wake her up and let her know she was safe, but being touched freaked her out even more.” -Ellen

Now, the character Sam is nothing like Abbi Glines’ Rush (sorry all you Rush Crush fans out there) other than he makes some pretty boneheaded mistakes, by not completely telling the whole truth when it came to starting his relationship with Haley. Sam should still be a good choice for a book boyfriend though because he is extremely passionate about the things he cares about his life and it is described in the book what a great bod he has!

Now another swoon worthy book boyfriend you can find in Nicole Andrews Moore’s Hiding Out is Adam Davenport, Sam’s brother. Adam is a wealthy playboy who left the family company to just live in luxury. However, as the book progresses we discover a deeper side to Adam as he rebuilds his relationship with his brother. We also have hope of getting to know him even better, as he will be the main character in the sequel, Finally Found.

“Adam, it’s time to grow up. It’s time to shoulder some responsibility for the company that bears your name and the lifestyle you so enjoy.” -Haley

On another note, I was happy to find there were a few scenes with a lot of drama. I am a drama queen and love the conflict sometimes in the books I read. I was getting worried towards the end that there wouldn’t be a big scene to between Haley facing the person who made her run away and hide, but my wishful thinking paid off and there is a great scene at the end for all the drama freaks out there like me!

Overall, this was an amazing read that I highly recommend. Haley and Sam take you on a journey while they try to find a way to be in an honest and healthy relationship while battling Haley’s demons from her past. It’ll make you sad in some parts but it’ll make you proud as you read Haley become a stronger character with Sam at her side.

Nicki has lived in Charlotte, North Carolina with her children for the past eleven years and her husband for the past three years.  Her journey has barely begun and she loves every minute of it.  Every day of her life seems to bring new adventures, some bigger, better, shinier and prettier than others.  She's still getting used to that new life smell she's experiencing, a combination of hope, love, and happiness.  (The perfect scents to build a new life on...)
For fun, she spends time with those she cares about, cooks, reads, writes, and especially lives to travel.  The current travel goal Suddenly Single Journey
, Nicki is a contributor for Project Underblog.  Her writing can also be found on Shine, where she is a Shine Parenting Guru and an award winning Yahoo! Contributor on YourWisdom as the relationship and dating expert.  And she has been published by McClatchy News in their syndicated papers.: visit every Margaritaville.  Two down!  (Eleven to go?)

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